Insight Cloud

Insight Cloud is an ‘always on’ socialised intelligence platform that nurtures insights from multiple sources and reinvents how these insights are connected, socialised and activated.

What for?

Insight Cloud sits at the centre of your research planning and insight activation processes to help make the most of your research, allowing you to:

  • Make quicker decisions and get initiatives into market faster;
  • View knowledge within the lens of business questions;
  • Build a learning culture and connect experts to think better together;
  • Understand what has been learned in other parts of the company and avoid repeat projects;
  • Save time and resources with quick access to the most important intelligence.

How it works?

First, we design, setup and train users on how to use your customised Insight Cloud. Then, Ipsos are your curators to distil, your qual, quant, social and secondary research into story-driven, multi-media insights. Cross-project insights are connected and contextualised, then crowdsourced with key stakeholders. Mounting intelligence is synthesized and then activated through workshops and experiences.

Insight Cloud can be standalone or used to leverage existing knowledge management systems.

Why our solution is unique?

There is more information than ever before and a growing need to move beyond simply information – to inspiration. Insight Cloud both inspires and brings insights to life through Ipsos’ unique curation service. Curation leverages technology, and most importantly, the right people, to make sense of this information and build a collaborative insight ecosystem, allowing the client and their partner agencies to activate insights together and fuel creativity, innovation and winning ideas within the organisation.

Insight Cloud - Curation