We need to talk about infrastructure (but how?)

A guide for infrastructure leaders, strategists and communications professionals from the Ipsos Infrastructure Team.

The author(s)
  • Ben Marshall Public Affairs
  • Sophie Wilson Public Affairs
  • Paul Carroll Public Affairs
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Like everything else, infrastructure needs selling. People are busy, distracted, and not always entirely rational. Cutting through this means understanding and differentiating between the signal and the noise. It is time to talk about infrastructure but listening and research-based insight is the foundation of strong, effective narratives.

This paper has been written by the Transport and Infrastructure team at Ipsos. Its content has been informed by learning from over 100 discussion groups and about 20 surveys over the past few years, and a seminar involving clients and contacts across infrastructure, run by Ipsos in November 2018 with the support of the National Infrastructure Commission.

The paper presents some pointers about how to build productive dialogue around infrastructure identifying five main learning points which we think cut across infrastructure conversations – whether engaging with communities affected by construction or more generally with taxpayers and stakeholders, or running targeted communications campaigns.

Ipsos Infastructure Report - 5 Pointers

The author(s)
  • Ben Marshall Public Affairs
  • Sophie Wilson Public Affairs
  • Paul Carroll Public Affairs

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