Connected Health: A roadmap to success

Connected Health is moving into the mainstream – how will this change the traditional structure of healthcare?

The breakthrough moment for Connected Health was the launch of the iPhone and smartphone apps. This took Connected Health from the confines of the hospital to being available everywhere.

We can see how the wearable has been evolving in recent years. And following some exciting developments across the gamut of applications for healthcare technology, Connected Health is now moving into the mainstream.

Some applications of Connected Health include:

  1. Telehealth/Telemedicine
  2. General health and wellness apps
  3. Digital Therapeutics
  4. Remote monitoring
  5. Personalised healthcare
  6. Population health management

These are supported by tools based on both current and emerging technologies, including smartphones, 5G, Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

This white paper traces the Connected Health journey to date and looking to the future points to opportunities and challenges for the individual, healthcare professionals, businesses and the public sector.

The Healthcare team also set out a roadmap to success for developing a successful Connected Health product, that is clearly-defined, customer-centred and impactful.

Find out more in the Ipsos Views paper Connected Health: A roadmap to success.

Also see the presentation by author Reena Sangar from a webinar on 27 March on myths around ageing and technology.

See the Connected Health Trends 2018 survey report.

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