Taking Responsibility

The Ipsos approach to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has always incorporated three critical elements – Social, Societal and Environmental. This information not only gives us insight into benchmarking our performance, around the world, but also provides a basis for our improvement.

A CSR commitment wherever Ipsos operates | Ipsos Foundation
Political environment | Employee volunteering

A CSR commitment wherever Ipsos operates

Ipsos_logo-united-nations-global-compactIpsos was the first research company in the world to subscribe to the UN Global Compact.

Since 2008 the Group has subscribed to the UN Global Compact for respecting ten universal principles concerning human rights, labour, the environment and combating corruption. The CSR policy management tools include “The Green Book”, the Ipsos Professional Code of Conduct, and the “Book of Policies and Procedures”, supplemented by a whistle-blowing procedure.

The program has been created in 2008 with 3 main principles:

  • Adhering to the 10 Principles of the United Nations Global Compact;
  • Reducing our environmental footprint;
  • Increasing our social impact with the creation of the Ipsos Foundation to educate disadvantaged children and youth worldwide.

Ipsos-Green-BookThe Ipsos Professional Code of Conduct

Download Ipsos Green Book

Ipsos Foundation


Ipsos is committed to educational access through its Foundation. In 2014, the Group launched the Ipsos Foundation to create social impact where it is located, with an endowment of a half million euros. Its mission is to carry out educational programmes for underprivileged children and adolescents in the world.

The Ipsos Foundation currently supports 10 non-profit groups mainly dedicated to rebuilding schools, support of children and families in need, challenging health, social and economic situations.

Political environment


As an international company, Ipsos’ growth strategy takes account of the ecological and environmental impact of its business activities.

Ipsos set up in many countries environmental policies to sensitise its teams to the practices of reduction of waste, energy consumption and our carbon footprint.

CSR 2016

Employee volunteering


Focusing on reducing our environmental impact and contributing to local communities, we have a Wider World Committee at each of our major sites (made up of staff volunteers) to drive local action and communicate our activities internally and externally.

Socially conscious actions in the world: 51 of our countries have developed charitable* activities in 2015.

*Source: “Taking Responsibility”, online annual survey of managers in 73 countries representing 92% Ipsos’ business.
037.1-RCA-Kenya princess-reema-launches-historic-breast-cancer-awareness-campaign-for-saudi-women

Since 2008, Ipsos in Kenya has been supporting the Research Clubs of Africa (RCA) in order to introduce secondary school students to research and opinion polls.

Preventing and treating cancer in Saudi Arabia. Ipsos in Saudi Arabia supports a campaign for the prevention and treatment of breast cancer, started by members of the royal family.