Ipsos’ Jordanian Consumer Sentiment Index Q4 2024
Ipsos’ Jordanian Consumer Sentiment Index shows a 6.4-point increase between the third and fourth quarter of 2024
The results show a 6.4-point increase between the third and fourth quarter of 2024. This rise is mainly driven by an increase in citizens’ confidence in the future state of the Kingdom’s economy and an increase in those who believe that the government is “Heading in the Right Direction”. Furthermore, Jordanian’s job security and their ability to invest in their future and the future of their children have also seen a positive increase after being stagnant for the past few quarters. Nevertheless, high cost of living and inflation remain as top concerns for Jordanians, with unemployment continuing to top the list this quarter as the most worrisome.
JCSI is a quarterly national survey that sheds light on consumers' attitudes towards current and future state of the local economy, personal finance situations, as well as savings and confidence to make large investments.