

In our 2016 publication – The Boom of China's Automotive Aftermarket – we highlighted the coming rise in growth of the Chinese Automotive Aftermarket and how players should prepare for this opportunity, as well as the associated challenges. In this new report, entitled "China's Automotive Aftermarket - New Conditions Provide Fuel for Rapid Growth", our team of growth strategy consultants in Shanghai analyse the effect of recent improvements in online platform technology, which allow for an increased diversity of business models within the Chinese automotive aftermarket. This publication reviews key opportunities for each strategy, while also highlighting potential weaknesses. It is aimed at domestic and foreign investors and other players within the automotive aftermarket and related fields who are seeking to build, compete and grow their presence in China's automotive aftermarket.


由于市场上新车销售的持续放缓,中国乘用车的平均车龄到 2023 年有望达到 5.5 年,而 2018 年中国市场乘用车的平均车龄为
4.6 年。

未来 5 年,中国汽车后市场的市场规模预计将以年均 8% 的速度稳步增长,并有望于 2023 年达到 1.93 万亿元。




从终端渠道的角度来看,独立后市场( IAM )在未来 5 年内将超过 4S 店,它的品牌 实体店 以及 O2O 服务将成为一个重要的增长
驱动力( 2018 2023 年期间的复合年增长率约 35%35%)。


O2O 平台正在被消费者广泛 使用 消费者 尤其喜欢通过 O2O 平台购买易耗 易 损 配件。

B2B2C 是由互联网巨头参与其中的新兴商业模式。

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