Impact of Covid-19 Restrictions on Sport and Recreational Walking

Irish people are partaking in more individual sport and recreational walking during the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions. That was the key finding of Ipsos research published by Sport Ireland, which shows a surge in numbers walking, cycling and running since the restrictions were put in place in March.

The author(s)
  • Kieran O'Leary Research Director
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This report presents the findings of research conducted by Ipsos MRBI on behalf of Sport Ireland to measure participation in sport and recreational walking during March and April 2020.

The research includes the same questions asked on the Irish Sports Monitor. Comparisons to the results from the March and April waves of the Irish Sports Monitor 2019 are included where relevant.

The survey was undertaken in three waves: 28 February to 9 March, 16 to 31 March; and 1 to 13 April. The “Delay” phase of Ireland’s response to Covid-19 commenced on 12 March (school closures, limited outdoor gatherings, work from home if possible, etc.) while the “Stay at Home” enhanced lockdown phase commenced on 27 March.


To see the full report, please click on the link below.

The author(s)
  • Kieran O'Leary Research Director

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