Up close and personal: Humanising omnichannel
The pandemic accelerated the pace of digital transformation leading to an expansion of digital channels, touchpoints, services and experiences. Nearly a third (31%) people report their primary transaction channel is now online. Omnichannel is in principle about customer centricity, providing seamless customer experiences, but sometimes the humanity of the customer is not recognised.
Ipsos research shows people don’t always feel the human touch is present when operating in the digitised environment. Convenience, the dominant motivation behind most online shopping, does not necessarily equate to humanity. And in fact, may be the reverse. Ipsos’ ‘Forces of CX’ identifies six drivers of customer experience, only three of which relate to convenience per se – control, certainty, and fair treatment. The other three are enjoyment, belonging, and status.
In an increasingly data-driven environment, it is easy to be blindsided by technology and numbers and lose sight of the people. However, it is ultimately a person who explores your options, opens your package, uses your product, or experiences your service. Our strong belief is that when companies think omnichannel, human experience should be at the core. Understanding human needs and experience is critical to evolving channel strategy.