About 3 in 10 Singapore workers say they plan to leave their employers in under two years

These are the findings from a new study into workplace culture, behaviours and talent attrition across Singapore.

A new study into workplace culture, behaviours and talent attrition across Singapore has been launched this week. Based on a representative sample of 1,000 employees, it highlights key trends that provide valuable context for decisions by Singapore’s employers. 

Headline insights:

  • Only three in five Singapore employees say they are proud to work for their employer or would recommend them to others. This is between 14 and 19 points below global norms.
  • Pride declines with age and is nearly 20 points lower among 55 – 65-year-olds compared to those aged 18 - 24. Women are also 6 points less proud than their male peers (59% vs 65%).
  • 29% of the workforce in Singapore say they plan to leave their current employer in under two years, which is 9 points more than the global norm. The intent to leave in under two years is substantially higher among 18 - 24-year-olds – a staggering 47%.
  • While pay is the reason most selected (by 45% of those who say they plan to leave their employer in the next two years), feeling unrecognised and a lack of career progression are the two factors that drive employees to want to leave even faster (in under a year). Career progression is also the key factor driving talent attrition among middle and senior managers.
  • Pay is the overwhelming factor Singapore employees look for in deciding to consider a new job, with 65% seeing it as most important. Flexible working opportunities also remains one of the most important, highlighted by two in five of the Singapore workforce.
  • Workplace culture in Singapore is mostly seen as positive, with 68% of the workforce experiencing positive behaviours around them at work. This is one of the most important drivers of engagement. Especially the experience of supportive, trustworthy, and friendly behaviour.
  • Working long hours is experienced by 17% of the workforce. While it is the highest negative experience, it remains lower than the global norm of 21%. Favouritism, bias and narrow-minded behaviours are the ones that act as the strongest ‘drags’ on engagement, experienced by one in ten of the workforce.
  • 58% of Singapore employees say their employer welcomes open and honest feedback, 5 points above the global norm. Again, this is a key driver of engagement.

Ghassan Karian, CEO of Ipsos Karian and Box, Ipsos’s specialist in employee culture and engagement said: “This study highlights the need by Singapore employers to tackle young or new starter attrition, and the associated costs. There is also a need to deepen the experience of an open, trusting and listening culture. All of which are factors critical to driving workforce engagement and performance.”
