イプソス株式会社 個人情報保護方針(詳細)
<詳細 1> 個人情報の利用目的について
- 当社は、マーケティング・リサーチ(市場調査)、世論調査や社会調査の実施を主たる業務としており、消費者の商品やサービスに関する意識や実態を調査・収集(取得)し、その情報を統計的に処理し、企業や団体等に提供することを目的としております。収集(取得)した個人情報は、原則として統計的にまとめられ、個人が特定できる形で利用することはありません。
- 当社のマーケティング・リサーチへの協力をお願いする方(調査対象者)を特定するために、あらかじめ氏名、住所などを収集(取得)する場合があり、その方法は、住民基本台帳(世論調査・社会調査)などを閲覧しての抽出、電話帳や住宅地図からの抽出、市販の人名録など出版物からの抽出、マーケティング・リサーチ業務の委託先(クライアント)からの預託などであり、さまざまな情報源を適正、適法に利用しています。
- 当社の調査に協力していただく方を広く募集し、応募いただく方を登録(モニター)して調査対象者とする場合がありますが、応募していただく際に、収集(取得)する個人情報の利用目的などについてはお知らせすることとしております。
- マーケティング・リサーチへの協力をお願いする方(調査対象者)を特定せずにマーケティング・リサーチを行ない、その時点で調査対象者本人の氏名、住所などの個人情報を収集(取得)する場合もありますが、その場合には、あらかじめ口頭や書面などで利用目的を通知いたします。
- 当社のお取引先である企業や団体様に対しましては、サービスの改善あるいはお客様ニーズの把握などのための各種アンケート調査の実施、および当社サービス内容のご紹介のためのダイレクトメールの発送をさせていただくことがございます。
- 当社の求人情報に応募された方の情報については、採用関連のご連絡に使用させていただきます。また、応募者の前雇用者や推薦者への連絡に使用することがあります。
- 当社は前述の利用目的達成のために必要な範囲で調査対象者の個人情報取扱いを外部に委託することがあります。その際当社はあらかじめ委託先との間で個人情報保護に関する契約を取り交わし、その取扱い状況について管理・監督を行います。
- 当社はIpsosのグループ会社であるIpsos Interactive Services SRL(ルーマニア)にi-Sayパネルのメンバーの個人情報取扱いを委託します。
<詳細 2> 保有個人データについて
「保有個人データ」とは、一般社団法人 日本マーケティング・リサーチ協会が定める「マーケティング・リサーチ産業 個人情報保護ガイドラインで、次のように定義されています。
- 当該個人データの存否が明らかになることによって、本人又は第三者の生命、身体又は財産に危害が及ぶおそれのあるもの
- 当該個人データの存否が明らかになることによって、違法又は不当な行為を助長し、又は誘発するおそれのあるもの
- 当該個人データの存否が明らかになることによって、国の安全が害されるおそれ、他国若しくは国際機関との信頼関係が損なわれるおそれ又は他国若しくは国際機関との交渉上不利益を被るおそれのあるもの
- 当該個人データの存否が明らかになることによって、犯罪の予防、鎮圧又は捜査その他の公共の安全と秩序維持に支障が及ぶおそれのあるもの』
- 保有個人データの項目
氏名、住所、調査目的に応じた質問項目に対する回答 - 保有個人データの利用目的
<詳細 3> 保有個人データ、第三者提供記録の開示に関する請求について
- 開示等の請求等の対象となる項目
氏名、住所、調査目的に応じた質問項目に対する回答 - 開示等の請求等の申し出先
開示等の請求等は、下記宛て、所定の申請書に記入し必要事項を添付の上、お手数でも郵送でお願いいたします。なお、封筒に朱書きで「開示等請求書在中」とお書き添えいただければ幸いです。〒105-0001 東京都港区虎ノ門4-3-13 ヒューリック神谷町ビル
イプソス株式会社 個人情報保護管理者 - 開示等の請求等に際して提出していただく書面(様式)等
運転免許証(お手数でも本籍地は消してご提出ください)、パスポートなどの公式書類のコピー 1点 - 代理人による開示等の請求等
●当社所定の法定代理人の申請書 1通
●法定代理権があることを確認するための書類(親権者の場合は住民票抄本など親子等の関係が確認できる公的書類) 1通
●未成年者又は成年被後見人の法定代理人であることを確認するための書類 {法定代理人の運転免許証(お手数でも本籍地は消してご提出ください)、パスポートなどの公式書類のコピー} 1点
●当社所定の委任状 1通
●ご本人の印鑑証明書 1通 - 開示等の請求等の手数料
- 開示等の請求等に対する回答方法
なお、保有個人データの開示及び第三者提供記録の開示につきましては、ご希望の方法があれば、可能な限り、応じさせていただきます。 - 開示等の請求等に関して収集(取得)した個人情報の利用目的
- 開示等に応じられない場合について
(1) 申請書に記載されている住所、本人確認のための書類に記載されている住所、当社に登録されている住所が一致しないときなど本人が確認できない場合
(2) 代理人による申請書に際して、代理権が確認できない場合
(3) 所定の申請書類に不備があった場合
(4) 開示等の請求等の対象が保有個人データ又は第三者提供記録に該当しない場合
(5) 当社の業務の適正な実施に著しい支障を及ぼすおそれがある場合
(6) 他の法令に違反することとなる場合 - 安全管理措置
<詳細 4> 個人情報の第三者提供について
(1) 法令に基づく場合
(2) 人の生命、身体又は財産の保護のために必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき
(3) 公衆衛生の向上又は児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき
<詳細 5> イプソスグループ内での共同利用について
(1) 共同利用の範囲
イプソスグループ企業 詳細>>
(2) 共同利用される登録情報の項目
(3) 利用する者の利用目的
(4) 共同利用する個人情報の管理について責任を有するもの
イプソス株式会社 個人情報保護管理者
(5) 取得方法
<詳細 6> お問い合わせ・苦情受付窓口
- 郵 便:
〒105-0001 東京都港区虎ノ門4-3-13 ヒューリック神谷町ビル
イプソス株式会社 問合せ・苦情窓口 - 電子メール:
イプソス株式会社問合せ・苦情窓口 [email protected] - なお、直接ご来社いただいてのお申し出はお受けいたしかねますので、ご了承ください。
- 当社の所属する認定個人情報保護団体の名称および苦情の申し出先
一般財団法人 日本情報経済社会推進協会
TEL:03-5860-7565 フリーダイヤル:0120-700-779
The Personal Information Protection Policy of Ipsos K.K. (Details)
<Details Part 1> Objectives for the use of personal information
- The main business operations of Ipsos are marketing research, public opinion research, and social research. Our objective is to research and collect (acquire) information on consumer attitudes and usage pertaining to products and services, statistically process that data, and provide it to companies, groups, and others. Because as a basic rule the personal information collected (acquired) is statistically handled in bulk, we do not use information in any manner in which individuals can be identified.
- In order to identify individuals to whom we request cooperation in our marketing research (survey respondents), there are instances in which we collect (acquire) names, addresses, etc. in advance. The methods used are based on the appropriate and legitimate use of a variety of information sources: e.g. viewing and selecting from the Basic Resident Ledger (for public opinion research and social research), selecting from telephone books and residential maps, selecting from publications available on the market such as name lists, and having marketing research clients provide us with information.
- There are instances in which we extensively solicit cooperation in our research by having respondents register as monitors. When applying for this position, monitors are apprised of our objectives for using the personal information collected (acquired).
- There are instances in which we collect (acquire) personal information such as respondents’ names and addresses on the spot without having first identified those to whom we would be requesting cooperation in our marketing research (survey respondents). In such instances, the respondents are notified regarding the objective for use either orally, in writing, etc.
- There are instances in which we send questionnaires to our client companies or groups in order to improve our service and understand their needs, and send direct mails in order to inform our service
- As for the information about those who apply for employment with Ipsos, there are instances in which we use the information to communicate about recruitment and to contact with the person’s former employer or recommender.
- There are instances in which we outsource the personal information of survey respondents within the necessary scope of achieving the aforementioned objective for use. In such instances, we will have exchanged an agreement on personal information protection with our partner in outsourcing and the status of handling shall be managed and overseen accordingly.
- In particular it will entrust the personal information handling of its i-Say Panel members to Ipsos Interactive Services SRL, a company established in Romania (part of the European Union).
<Details Part 2> Retained personal data
“Retained personal data” is defined as follows according to "Marketing Research Industry - Personal Information Protection Guideline" issued by Japan Marketing Research Association.
“Retained personal data means personal data which a personal information handling business operator owns the authority to respond to all of the demands from the principal or the agent to disclose, correct, add or delete the contents of, cease the utilization of, erase, and cease the third-party provision of. However, the personal data in case where any of the following statements, ① through ④, can be applied or which is deleted within 6 months (exclude updating) is not the retained personal data. However, under this guideline, a business operator must handle personal information which is not regarded as retained personal data but which it has the authority to respond to all demands from the principal to notify utilization purpose, disclose, correct, add or delete the contents of, cease the utilization of, erase, and cease the third-party provision of in the same way as retained personal data.
① Cases in which it may harm the life, body, property of the person or the third party that the existence of the personal data becomes clear
② Cases in which it may promote or provoke illegal or unfair acts that the existence of the personal data becomes clear
③ Cases in which it may harm the safety of the state, damage the confidential relationship with foreign countries or international organizations, or suffer disadvantages when negotiations with foreign countries or international organizations that the existence of the personal data becomes clear
④ Cases in which it may hinder the prevention of crimes, the public safety and maintenance of order of suppression or criminal investigations, and others that the existence of the personal data becomes clear.”The following defines the retained personal data in terms of types and objectives for use handled by Ipsos.
- Types of retained personal data
Names, addresses, and answers to questions that meet the research objectives - Objective for use of retained personal data
To generate statistical data that facilitates the improvement of products and services
- Types of retained personal data
<Details Part 3> Requests for disclosure of retained personal data / record of provision to a third-party
With regard to retained personal data, we will respond without delay to requests from the person concerned or his/her representative for notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, etc. (correction, addition, or deletion of contents of retained personal data on the grounds that the contents are not true), suspension of use, etc. (suspension of use, deletion, and suspension of provision to third parties).
In addition, we will respond without delay only to requests for disclosure of records provided to third parties.- Types of a demand etc. of retained personal data or record of provision to a third party
Names, addresses, and answers to questions that meet the research objectives - Where to direct a demand etc. for disclosure.
We ask that all demand etc. for disclosure be made by mail to the following address, with the official application form completed in full and attached. We ask that the envelope bear the note “Written Demand for Disclosure Enclosed.”Personal Information Protection Manager
Ipsos K.K.
Hulic Kamiyacho Building, 4-3-13 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001 - The documentation to submit when demanding disclosure
When demanding disclosure, please download and fill in the application form <(1)> and enclose ID documentation <(2)>.
- (1) Official application form
● Disclosure Application Form for Retained Persional Data / Record of Provision to a Third Party
- (2) ID documentation
One copy of official documentation such as a driver’s license (we request that the registered domicile be masked) or passport
- (1) Official application form
- A demand etc. for disclosure by proxy
Those who demand disclosure as designated legal proxy by minors or wards who are of age are asked to enclose the following <(1) or (2)> in addition to the documentation noted above.
- (1) By legal proxy
●One copy of the Ipsos Legal Proxy Application Form
●One copy of documentation proving power of attorney (if person with parental authority, an official document such as the abstract of his/her resident register which proves legal relationship is needed)
●One copy of ID documentation for the legal proxy of a minor or ward who is of age: official documentation such as a driver’s license of the legal proxy (we request that this be submitted with the registered domicile masked) or passport - (2)By designated proxy
●One copy of the Ipsos Letter of Proxy
●One copy of the certificate of seal impression of the individual concerned
- (1) By legal proxy
- Processing fee for disclosure
A processing fee of 430 yen (including tax) will be charged for notification of purpose for use and personal information disclosure. We ask that the processing fee be enclosed in postage stamps. In the event that the processing fee is either not adequate or missing, the demand etc. for disclosure will not be processed.
- Method of response to demand etc. for disclosure
The response will be sent by post in writing to the address indicated on the applicant’s application form.
If you have any requests for disclosure of retained personal data or disclosure of records provided to third parties., we will respond to them as much as possible. - Purpose for the use of personal information collected (acquired) in connection to a demand etc. for disclosure
Personal information collected (acquired) in connection to a demand etc. for disclosure will only be handled within the extent necessary for response. Documents submitted will be saved for a period of one year following the completion of response to the disclosure demand and then disposed of.
- A demand etc. of disclosure we are unable to fulfill
Please be advised that we will not be able to fulfill a demand etc. for which any of the following instances (1)-(6) apply. If we are unable to fulfill a demand etc., we will notify about that and the applicable reason.
- (1) If the identity of the individual in question cannot be established due to the address on the application form differing from that on the documentation of the ID of the individual requesting or the address that is registered with Ipsos
- (2) If the power of proxy cannot be determined on the basis of the application form by proxy
- (3) If the prescribed application form is not completed correctly
- (4) If the information demanded for disclosure does not fall into the category of retained personal data or record of provision to a third party
- (5) If there is the risk of critical interference with the legitimate implementation of operations by Ipsos
- (6) If any other laws are broken
- Security control measures
We maintain and improve our system for the protection of personal information. In addition, we take safety control measures to prevent leaks of personal information through information security measures such as employee training and education, access control to areas where personal information is handled, access control to personal information, and the introduction of anti-virus software. Personal information that is no longer in our possession is securely disposed of or erased in an appropriate manner.
- Types of a demand etc. of retained personal data or record of provision to a third party
<Details Part 4> Providing personal information to third parties
Ipsos properly manages personal information collected (acquired) and never provides it to third parties without the prior consent of the individual. However, this does not include the following instances.
- (1) Instances based on law
- (2) Instances that require protection of the life, physical person or assets of the individual in question when it is difficult to get consent from that person
- (3) Instances in which there is the particular need for improvements in public health or the promotion of the healthy development of a child, and it is difficult to get the consent of the individual in question
- (4) Instances in which any attempts at getting the consent of the individual in question would jeopardize getting the assistance needed for a national body, local body or individual entrusted by such bodies to carry out their legally prescribed work
<Details Part 5: The joint use in Ipsos Group>
Information is jointly used in Ipsos Group as follows
- (1) Extent of joint use
Ipsos Group companies Details >> - (2) Categories of registered information jointly used
Names of companies or groups, locations, departments, functions and contact details (telephone numbers & Email address) - (3) Objective for use of the user
Used for the implementation of questionnaire surveys about our service and the sending direct mails for introducing our service - (4) Person responsible for the management of personal information for joint use
Personal information protection manager at Ipsos K.K. - (5) Method of acquisition
Acquired through business cards or email received.
- (1) Extent of joint use
<Details Part 6: Customer inquiries and grievances>
Please contact the following for inquiries and grievances regarding the handling of personal information by Ipsos.
- ● By post: Inquiry and Grievance Contact, Ipsos K.K.
Hulic Kamiyacho Building, 4-3-13 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001 - ● Email: Ipsos K.K. Inquiry and Grievance Contact [email protected]
- ● Please be advised that we do not accommodate visits to our office.
- ● The name of the personal information protection group that certifies Ipsos and provides response to grievances is as follows:
Secretariat of Authorized Personal Information Protection Organizations
Roppongi First Building, 1-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0032, Japan
Tel: 03-5860-7565 Toll Free: 0120-700-779
- ● By post: Inquiry and Grievance Contact, Ipsos K.K.