Survey Management, Data Collection & Delivery: Ipsos Observer
Survey Management, Data Collection & Delivery: Ipsos Observer

I-Instant - Online Overnight Solutions

I-Instant is part of the Overnight approach solutions. It allows you to react fast to your burning questions, competitor activity and market events and to make decisions based on consumer input rather than on guesstimates, without jeopardising your speed to market.

Client context

I-Instant is ideal to:

  • Explore or understand specific issues, usage, behaviour, feelings…
  • Test a hypothesis, Screen alternative choices
  • Get input to develop consumer insights
  • Get spontaneous reactions to product, media etc.
  • Understand reactions to an event, a crisis…
  • Monitor competitor activity, and more…

National representative sample up to 500 interviews.

Up to 15 mobile friendly questions units asked among the Ipsos panelists (or high-quality preferred panel providers where Ipsos panels are not available).

It is currently available in 50+ countries. Europe, North Americas, Latin Americas, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa.

Results delivery
In 2 – 3 days

Delivering results
Within hours or days – depending on countries and needs.


I-Instant results are available quicker than with traditional research methods thanks to efficient process and automation in place either at setup, fieldwork approach or at data delivery. This fast turnaround solution is facilitated by strong respondent’s engagement, adapted sample strategy overnight and device agnostic approach, leveraging the people in-always mobile connexion. 

Benefits when using I-Instant:

  • speed of turnaround with its overnight fields and device agnostic approach
  • ability to launch the field any day
  • field not shared with another client
  • choice in the sample size (up to 500) and definition (from 60% incidence rate according to country)
  • possibility to test visuals - if any, material to be provided one day in advance
  • assurance and confidence of delivery without worries.

Discover our overnight services.

Case studies

Using I-Instant as fast screening tool
BUSINESS NEED: In an effort to innovate their body wash, a global CPG manufacturer needed to screen product features & benefits prior to executing a KANO study. They were targeting more especially young people in 10 key markets, including emerging ones. This needed to be done quickly & cost-effectively.
OUR SOLUTION: An I-Instant survey was fielded in the 10 markets over a 2-day period. Using online and mobile networks for the recruitment and being device agnostic, I-Instant enabled us to reach sufficient quantities of difficult target groups like those aged 15-24 and also opened up the opportunity to research emerging countries as part of the programme.
CLIENT BENEFIT: The client was able to efficiently screen a number of benefits in markets they’ve never before had access to, and received results in days rather than weeks. As a result, R&D shortened the innovation cycle by 2 months while achieving global feature/ benefit harmonisation.

Using I-Instant to engage women on sensitive topics
BUSINESS NEED: Engaging with women on feminine care can be a challenge, especially in countries where it can be considered as a “tabou” due to cultural standards. It is in this context that one FMCG client reached out to us. Our challenge was not only to engage women in African countries but to do so in a rapid and interactive way. The research objective was to define the best way to convince African women to adopt this category of products considering their traditional usage. The research focused on identifying and understanding the barriers and drivers of purchase and usage of such products.
OUR SOLUTION: this research was done in 2 phases; a quantitative phase using I-Instant, followed by a qualitative phase using Ipsos UU platform. I-Instant has been run 100% via mobile which allowed the expected speed and strong women engagement. Thanks to the sample strategy applied and the mobile first questionnaire approach (device agnostic), it was easy to reach our targets and get their inputs effectively. But more importantly, running this project on a 100% mobile basis helped the women to feel security which is crucial on sensitive topics. Indeed, the size of such device and absence of interviewers enabled women to answer in total discretion and confidence. The second phase consisted of an online qualitative survey through a chatroom using our platform. During 15 minutes, our respondents had a one-to-one online interview with a local moderator. This solution offered the ability to show stimuli and get the answers automatically recorded by the platform. It enabled to go more in depth in the understanding of the issues expressed in the first phase. And again, the level of confidentiality provided by the online has strongly contributed to get rich content.
CLIENT BENEFIT: Our client was very satisfied on all the aspects of the study. Indeed, our clients gained strong savings of time and costs as the study was very short with rich content, they were able to follow the field online so no travel was needed. Thanks to the speed of mobile and online data collection, the research has been completed in one week while it could have been 3 weeks in offline. Finally, the clients found a better way to engage with their consumers located in very difficult markets. They are planning to extend this approach to other emerging markets.

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