Optimism About AI's Potential

A global survey conducted by Google and Ipsos, involving over 17,000 participants from 17 countries, highlights optimism about AI's potential.

Conducted for Google and published on https://publicpolicy.google/, the study, titled "Our Life With AI: The reality of today and the promise of tomorrow", highlights optimism about AI's potential, concerns about ensuring its responsible development, and a desire for collaboration among various stakeholders. The full report is also available on Google's website.

Key findings

  • Positive Outlook: Respondents expressed optimism about AI's potential to positively impact society, with a majority (54%) believing it will benefit individuals like them.
  • Medical breakthroughs and improved security were identified as the top applications for AI, with 45% and 42% of respondents, respectively, deeming them very important.
  • Long-Term Benefits: Looking ahead 25 years, respondents were confident that AI would bring about positive changes in various spheres, including healthcare, education, quality of life, and addressing poverty and discrimination.
A chart illustrating results of a survey for Google about AI impact.
Source: Our Life with AI, PDF report.


The poll was conducted between October 19 and November 6, 2023, on behalf of Google. For this survey, a sample of roughly 1,000 adults aged 18+ who are residents of 17 countries were interviewed online using Ipsos online panels, partner panel sources, and river sampling. A sample of roughly 1,034 adults aged 18+ who are residents of the United States were interviewed online via Ipsos' KnowledgePanel.

All data tables and full methodology are available here.

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