Omnibus | Ipsos


For fast answers you can trust, choose from our range of world class Omnibus solutions.

We are pursuing ‘fast answers’ everywhere and give the impression that all products are the same.

When price, speed and cost efficiency are critical, taking advantage of a shared survey vehicle like Omnibus offers our clients great affordable high-quality representative research.

As a global market research provider, Ipsos has a full range of Omnibus services designed to help solve your business challenges and meet your needs in terms of speed, sample, geographical coverage and price. This solution is ideal for target profiling, market sizing, calibration, political polls, multi-country projects, and multiple waves where reliable trend data is paramount, pre and post evaluation. It also allows us to gauge quick reactions to topical issues or market events.

As well as providing high data quality standards on many socio-demographic criteria, we can offer ready-to-go data formats or give you access to our complete client-portal-dashboard.

Comprehensive global coverage and high-quality standards based on innovative solutions and efficient and rigorous processes

To offer fast turn-around and the most robust sample representativeness possible, Ipsos uses powerful tools and digital solutions (programmatic sampling, iField our unique digitally enabled face-to-face interviewing platform, device agnostic/mobile-first capabilities) in order to get the job done properly. This means we can take a consistent approach in 70+ markets around the world.

Representative and robust sample

We offer a nationally and regionally representative sample of 1,000 or 2,000 adults (depending on country and data collection mode). We collect extensive background information on the respondent and the household; covering everything from standard demographics to areas such as internet usage.

All this information is available, either for targeting your questions on respondents or for profiling your results.

We offer a full range of Omnibus solutions:

  • Digital Omnibus – access our self-serve platform and build your own omnibus questionnaire, collaborate with our researchers to do it, or have us do it for you. Do it however you want on our flexible platform. Available in UK, FR, GE, IT and NA.
  • Online Omnibus offers a great compromise between speed, price and sample representativeness.
  • Face-To-Face Omnibus (CAPI - Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing) offers the most representative sample of a population. All interviews are carried out by Ipsos interviewers in-home.
  • Telephone Omnibus (CATI - Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing) offers the fastest turnaround offline.