Taking responsibility

The Ipsos approach to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has always incorporated three critical elements – Social, Societal and Environmental. This information not only gives us insight into benchmarking our performance, around the world, but also provides a basis for our improvement.

A CSR commitment wherever Ipsos operates | Ipsos Foundation
Political environment | Employee volunteering

A CSR commitment wherever Ipsos operates

Ipsos_logo-united-nations-global-compactIpsos was the first research company in the world to subscribe to the UN Global Compact.

Since 2008 the Group has subscribed to the UN Global Compact for respecting ten universal principles concerning human rights, labour, the environment and combating corruption. The CSR policy management tools include “The Green Book”, the Ipsos Professional Code of Conduct, and the “Book of Policies and Procedures”, supplemented by a whistle-blowing procedure.

The program has been created in 2008 with 3 main principles:

  • Adhering to the 10 Principles of the United Nations Global Compact;
  • Reducing our environmental footprint;
  • Increasing our social impact with the creation of the Ipsos Foundation to educate disadvantaged children and youth worldwide.

Ipsos-Green-BookThe Ipsos Professional Code of Conduct

Download Ipsos Green Book

Ipsos Foundation


Established in 2014, the mission of Ipsos Foundation is to “Develop a global outreach program to support and implement educational programs for underprivileged children and adolescents around the world”.

From building schools for refugee children to education programs in partnership with Unesco, the Foundation continued its work and supported 12 new projects in as many countries in 2019:

  • Save the Children in Australia: English as a Foreign Language for Refugees
  • International project for education programs for the Rohingyas in partnership with UNESCO, in Bangladesh
  • Droit à l’Ecole [Right to Schooling] in France: French and mathematics courses for unaccompanied minor migrants
  • oFFer in India: School for Sri Lankan refugees
  • Lebanon: Hope for the integration of Syrian refugees
  • Consonant in the UK: English courses for migrant families and refugees
  • USA: Reading is Fundamental for migrants on the Texas border
  • Yemen: Care International: Provision of school desks for displaced people
  • Zambia: Care International: Construction of a school for refugees from the DRC


Promote the integration of refugees by understanding how they are seen

In the belief that properly processed information can be transformed into knowledge and help improve decision-making, in all spheres, Ipsos launched “Project Understanding” in 27 countries. This study, designed to better understand how refugees are perceived by host populations, makes it possible to identify barriers and approaches to help improve how they are welcomed and integrated. 

In September 2018, Ipsos signed a partnership agreement with Tent Foundation, established in 2016 by Hamdi Ulukaya, to mobilize businesses around the world to improve the lives and livelihoods of over 25 million men, women and children forcibly displaced from their countries of origin and with refugee status. Ipsos, along with other private sector companies, decided to take part in this social initiative making a commitment to recruit 100 refugees over the next two years.

Ipsos Foundations actions for refugees

Political environment


In 2008, Ipsos embarked on a structured approach to manage its environmental footprint. To this end, a report is compiled on its greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, Ipsos has implemented environmental policies in most countries aimed at reducing waste and energy consumption.

CSR 2019 | Ipsos

Employee volunteering


Ipsos' Taking Responsibility program covers the societal aspect of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) independent standards, which help organizations of all types to report their impact in terms of climate change, human rights and corruption.

The involvement of our countries and our employees in societal and community issues is growing year-on-year. Many of the countries in which we operate have formal policies in place covering Corporate, Community, Environmental, Ethical and Anti-Corruption issues.

Ipsos employee's commitment to CSR has risen significantly by 5 points, from 66% in 2018 to 71% in 2019.

African woman B&W 037.1-RCA-Kenya

In 2020, Ipsos joins an international partnership to implement non-pharmaceutical interventions against Covid-19 in Africa

Ipsos in Kenya supports the programmes of the Research Clubs of Africa (RCA). This initiative is to support secondary school students who want to be introduced to research and opinion surveys in their favourite subjects.


Disseminate the lessons learned from our research to support positive change in societies

As part of our commitments to society, Ipsos partnered with the World Economic Forum (WEF) to produce and publish to global economic decision-makers some of our data on sustainable development and economic and societal trends.

Download Ipsos 2020 CSR report