Digital Audience Measurement | Ipsos
Audience Measurement

Digital Audience Measurement

Understanding audiences of digital media.

We offer a hybrid approach to identifying and tracking usage of digital media. The method combines ‘site-centric’ and ‘user-centric’ measurement with sophisticated modelling to generate audience estimates for any website or app.

When people visit websites and apps, they do so using devices such as computers, tablets, and smartphones. These devices are logged every time they visit a website or app. Unfortunately, this tells us nothing about who is behind each device. Site-centric measurement therefore captures the volume of device visits to any page but offers little insight into the user.

Our Gold Standard approach “Ipsos Iris” is to recruit a large representative panel and track what each person does with each of their devices over a period of time. This can then be combined with the site-centric data to generate good estimates of the audience to individual websites and apps.

Alternative solutions include the use of pop-up surveys to collect demographics and to match them with devices, building ever larger samples over time.

Irrespective of approach Ipsos has the expertise to build the right solution to measure digital audiences.