Global Advisor | Ipsos
Public Affairs

Global Advisor

Talking to citizens around the world every month.

Our 28-country, online Global Advisor study fields every month, generating new reports and data. Focusing on the most important issues of the day, recent topics covered by Global Advisor have ranged from immigration & refugees, human rights, and religion, to satisfaction with country direction, Brexit, and populism.

Global Advisor is committed to fielding online every month for clients and media partners. This provides an opportunity for clients to place additional questions in one or all of the countries we cover at a significant cost savings compared to custom fielding.

Regular Global Advisor features include:

The Global Consumer Confidence Index: a monthly measure of consumer attitudes on the current and future state of local economies, personal finances, savings, and confidence to make large investments.

What Worries the World: a bi-monthly examination of citizen opinion of country direction, and issues of most concern around the world.

Discover all the Global Advisor studies