What can we do immediately to optimize our retail category plans; both in store and online?

Ipsos gives you access to the insights you need to adapt to the inflationary environment.

Inflation | Solutions | Inflation protection

Inflation protection

Simstore virtual research with conjoint to immediately adapt the category to the inflationary environment:

  • How does inflation impact our category sales?

  • How has inflation changed the decision tree?

  • How should we change our mix for inflation?

  • What should the new category pricing strategy be?

Indicative investment and timing


6-8 weeks

Deliverables and outputs

Inflation Protection category recommendations based on new decision tree
Ipsos | Inflation | Solutions | Inflation Protection

Best protection and potential growth opportunities from price changes

Ipsos | Inflation | Solutions | Inflation Protection

Assortment changes – current, new, bundling

Ipsos | Inflation | Solutions | Inflation Protection

Ipsos | Inflation | Solutions | Inflation Protection