7 in 10 Urban Indians claim following the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war: A 27 country Ipsos Survey
7 in 10 Urban Indians claim following the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war: A 27 country Ipsos Survey; 7 in 10 urban Indians support taking in Ukrainian refugees; 8 in 10 want India to avoid getting militarily involved; 6 in 10 want India to continue diplomatic ties with Russia

New Delhi/ Mumbai, May 16, 2022: According to a global survey by Ipsos, to capture the world’s response to the war in Ukraine, urban Indians polled per se validate India’s neutral stand to the conflict. There is a high level of interest in keeping abreast of the news and 7 in 10 of urban Indians polled say they have been following the stories emerging on the conflict. 72 per cent of urban Indians polled support taking in refugees, while almost 8 in 10 (79%) reject India’s military involvement/ intervention in the conflict. Notably, 62% of urban Indians polled support India continuing its diplomatic ties with Russia.
Conflict affects the world the most
Interestingly, urban Indians believe the ongoing conflict impacts the world the most (82%), it impacts India too greatly (72%), it impacts their job/ business (61%) and affecting them personally (56%) and their family (52%) to some extent.
For global citizens, the maximum impact they believe is to the world (82%), 6 in 10 believe it affects their country with lesser impact on jobs (37%), to them personally (36%) and to their families (34%).
“The impact is global with rising inflation. India is seeing the impact in terms of rising fuel prices, impacting household budgets,” says Amit Adarkar, CEO, Ipsos India.
Ukraine-Russia War – India’s stance
72% of Urban Indians polled believe India should take in Ukrainian refugees, however, we should avoid getting militarily involved (79%). Interestingly, global citizens too hold similar views, of giving sanctuary to Ukrainian refugees (74%) but desisting from military involvement (72%). Most respondents, global citizens (61%) and urban Indians (74%) reject providing financial aid to Ukraine, given the tough economic situation faced by most.
Though 62% urban Indians want diplomatic ties with Russia to continue. Global citizens are cagey on this matter with only 38% supporting it.
Indians support sanctions to end war, rejecting direct punitive action by India on Russia
7 in 10 Indians believe doing nothing in Ukraine will embolden Russia to take the war to the rest of Europe and Asia. Military action though will only worsen the scenario believe 77% urban Indians and economic actions placed on Russia by a number of countries is an effective tactic for stopping the war believe 77% of the urban Indians polled.
However, very few Indians support economic sanctions by India on Russia (only 4 in 10), banning of oil & gas imports from Russia (only 4 in 10 support), or giving weapons to Ukraine (only 38% agree), funding to Ukrainian military (only 4 in 10 support) and also we see less support for sending troops to NATO or Ukraine, among Indians (about 39%).
“Like most countries, India too wants the war to end between Russia and Ukraine. Nobody wants the war to spread to other countries. But the conflict is dragging on, further impacting economies and worsening inflationary conditions, to a world already reeling under the severe impact of the pandemic. Bringing the two warring countries to the negotiating table and diplomatically ending the war needs to be the endeavor. Otherwise, it could lead to worldwide recession,” summed up Adarkar.