Ipsos in MENA Launches Consumer Pulse
The ultimate fore-sighting syndicated study looking at the most important consumer trends in the region.
We live in a true age of uncertainty, driven by major disruptive forces impacting and shaping many aspects of our lives. The MENA region is one of the fastest changing regions globally, witnessing major demographic shifts, changing consumer lifestyles, and an increasing rate of digitization that is showing no signs of slowing down. Keeping up with these changes, given the pace at which they are unfolding, is extremely important if businesses are to adapt to future consumer needs.
To help clients navigate this rapidly evolving region, and to keep up with the latest consumer trends, Ipsos in MENA has launched Consumer Pulse, the ultimate fore-sighting syndicated study looking at the most important consumer trends in the region. Consumer Pulse spans 9 markets across MENA, covering over 15 key topics in one, single-source study. Results will be released in March of 2020, and will include a regional Mega-Trends report, detailed country-by-country trends reports broken down by different consumer groups and segments, and activation workshops for subscribing clients wishing to explore how these trends will impact their own business.