Conservatives Open 9-Point Lead over Liberals

Supply and Confidence Arrangement between Liberals and NDP isn't Helping Either Party

The author(s)
  • Darrell Bricker Global CEO, Public Affairs
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Federal Vote Breakdown
Federal Vote Breakdown

Sep 21, 2023 – Since June, the Conservatives have opened a 9-point lead over the listless Liberals. The NDP is failing to benefit from its supply and confidence agreement with the Liberals. The Conservatives are leading among every age group, including 18-34- year-olds, as well as among women, which have traditionally been core constituencies for the Trudeau Liberals. The Bloc has an 11- point lead over the Liberals in Quebec. The key battleground remains Ontario, where the Liberals and the Conservatives are tied at 39% of the popular vote – 23 points ahead of the NDP.

Federal Vote Tracking
Federal Vote Tracking

Despite the challenging vote figures for the Liberals, 43% of Canadians approve of the job that Justin Trudeau and the Liberal government have done. However, this approval does not seem to be translating into electoral support. Only one in three (34%) Canadians believes the Trudeau government deserves to be re-elected, while two in three (66%) believe it's time for another party to take over.

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The author(s)
  • Darrell Bricker Global CEO, Public Affairs
