Are you better off than your parents were? That depends on money

The No. 1 thing people feel worse off than their parents about is retirement.

Father and son | Are you better off than your parents were? | Ipsos | Global Advisor | Money | RetirementHow do you measure how your life is progressing? Do you compare yourself to your parents and what they had or didn’t have when they were your age?

Better access to information and technology has transformed the way our lives are progressing compared to previous generations, but has that also improved our chances at achieving life’s major milestones?

We attempt to answer these questions in a Global Advisor poll of more than 22,000 people in 33 countries where we ask if people think they are better off than their parents were when it comes to work, money, education, travel, real estate, retirement and access to information and entertainment.

The results are mixed – with factors tied to money varying across developed and emerging markets. We also track if people say things are improving or getting worse in the last three years.

Here’s the findings in less than 90 seconds.