Canadian Meal Kit Craze

Spawned by the ‘stir effect’ (the need to feed one’s family a home-cooked meal) together with the growing requirement for convenient, fresh/less processed and portioned options, Meal Kits usage has increased.

The author(s)
  • Kathy Perrotta Vice President, Canada, Market Strategy & Understanding – Research
  • Darin Chartrand Senior Account Manager, Canada
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In 2017, the average Canadian consumed a Dinner prepared with a meal kit 8 times per year.

Ranking of Top Meal Kits by Type
% Eating Occurrences, All Venues

  1. Fresh Meal Kits*
  2. Taco Meal Kits
  3. Stir Fry Meal Kits
  4. Pasta Meal Kits
  5. Burrito Meal Kits
  6. Potatoes (Meal Kits)
  7. Pizza Meal Kits
  8. All Other Meal Kits

Source: Ipsos FIVE Data for R’12M Period Ending December 2017
*Fresh Meal Kits: Kits Requiring Assembly or Cooking that have at least one Fresh Perishable Item

FIVE’s daily tracking of what individuals eat and drink details the consumption behaviour and attitudes of 20,000 Canadians annually trended over time. Our robust sample, coupled with the experience and expertise of the FIVE Team, ensures that key business issues are addressed with actionable insights to help our clients uncover and capitalize on opportunities to grow their businesses.

The author(s)
  • Kathy Perrotta Vice President, Canada, Market Strategy & Understanding – Research
  • Darin Chartrand Senior Account Manager, Canada

Consumer & Shopper