Dalam era digital yang dipenuhi dengan konten, empati hingga kreatifitas menjadi kunci penting dalam pemasaran. Brand perlu memahami dan merefleksikan nilai-nilai yang penting bagi audiens mereka dalam konten yang dibuat.
Ipsos in Indonesia's first client newspaper Vol.1 (quarterly)
Flair Collection
Achieving brand growth in a mindful and mindless world.
Reassessing the eight motivators of purchase in the context of COVID-19.
Peran Instagram terhadap Perkembangan Bisnis di Indonesia - With Instagram’s global influence of bringing consumers closer to the things they love, which includes, Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs), the platform has grown to be one of the most widely-used business platforms in Indonesia.
People who fear numbers are said to suffer from numerophobia or arithmophobia. There are even those who fear specific numbers like number 7 (heptaphobics) or number 13 (triskaidekaphobics). Audience measurement is a discipline swimming in numbers and, with the emergence of Big Data to supplement or even replace more traditional survey approaches in many cases, now throws out even more numbers.
Why is the mood of the crowd so important? How can it influence the ROI of your advertising?
Transforming adversity into a creative opportunity.
What advertisers need to know about advertising viewability.
We are entering the Fifth Age of Audience Measurement. It is an age where methodologies are being re-calibrated in response to a fast-changing media environment and where the quest for total understanding of audiences is higher than it has ever been. It is also an era where politics and economics are far greater barriers to progress than technical concerns.
Brand purpose has been one of the most hotly debated marketing topics of the last ten years, celebrated as a business model for growth and debunked as cod strategy in equal measure.
Ipsos released the 2016 Ipsos Affluent Asia survey results, Asia’s most comprehensive survey of the upscale affluent market covering 10 countries across the region.