Ipsos Global Trends 2024: From Vietnamese Tensions to Intentional Business Opportunities

Ipsos’ largest public survey in its history. 50,000 interviews, 50 markets, 74% of the world's population and 90% of the world's Gross Domestic Product. What do global, and especially Vietnamese, citizens think and feel?

In a world of rapid change and complexity, what do global, and especially Vietnamese, citizens think and feel? Ipsos, a global leader in market research, has unveiled its latest Global Trends Report for 2024, instrumental for businesses and organizations looking to act with intention and become trusted allies in the lives of their customers.

This year, the 10-year anniversary of Ipsos Global Trends, we undertook the largest public survey in our history. 50,000 interviews were conducted, spanning 50 markets, encompassing 74% of the world's population and 90% of the world's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This broad coverage ensures a comprehensive understanding of people’s shifting attitudes and values for businesses and marketers.

Ipsos Global Trends_Values

Ben Page, Global CEO, Ipsos highlighted top 3 tensions emerging over the last decade in Ipsos Global Trends. He said, “Tension 01 is that we are more global and introspective – global brands and global culture is more widespread than a decade ago; tension 02, focus on self – rising interest of focusing on the self, almost a retreat; tension 03, environmental – citizens are more concerned about the environment, yet fatalistic. Ipsos global trends, produced by Ipsos will provide insights for decision making – providing a new consensus from tension to intention.” 

In Vietnam, several prominent tensions reflect global trends, presenting unique opportunities for businesses to act with intention and become trusted allies.

Global Fractures: 

While there is support for intentional brands, people are willing to spend extra for local products. Forget GLOCAL, the new paradigm is LOCAL (Local come first.) 

Climate Convergence
While acknowledging the importance of climate issues, Vietnamese consumers prioritize their personal agendas more. They are taking actions within their capacity but expect businesses to lead on broader climate initiatives.

There is excitement around new technologies, yet a lack of understanding persists. They trust companies to implement technologies correctly. Businesses have the opportunity to educate consumers, bridging knowledge gaps and building trust.

Conscientious Health
Vietnamese consumers are increasingly embracing holistic health and self-care, tied to both physical and mental well-being. They actively seek information and take charge of their health decisions. Businesses can cater to this trend by offering products and services for holistic wellness and providing reliable information and resources.

The Power of Trust
Consumers are willing to pay more for a superior customer experience. However, many feel that their experiences are often worse than promised. Businesses can regain trust by focusing on customer experience and building genuine relationships with their customers.

Escape to Individualism
Many Vietnamese consumers seek exploration and new experiences, while others prioritize slowing down and simplifying their lives. Businesses can cater to both these desires by offering diverse products and services that cater to individual needs and aspirations. 

Ipsos Global Trends 2024_Vietnam edition

These insights underscore the importance for businesses to adapt and innovate in response to evolving consumer needs. Whether by emphasizing local pride, spearheading climate initiatives, educating on technological advancements, or supporting holistic health, companies can build trust and engagement with Vietnamese consumers.

Want to delve deeper into these trends? Explore opportunities and insights with Ipsos to tailor your strategies effectively. Reach out at [email protected] for more information.
