Shifting Shoppers’ ESG Attitudes to Action

How to drive behaviour change.

When it comes to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) policies, it is not always clear to shoppers, manufacturers and retailers who is responsible for what, the steps that can be taken, and the incentives for so doing.

Customers are confused about which individual actions will have the biggest impact.

Not only is there confusion over who should be doing what for ESG, there are often barriers and pain points rather than rewards for ESG-related activities. These include higher prices for shoppers buying sustainable products and greater costs for manufacturers and retailers implementing a more sustainable supply and logistics chain.

All of this results in a state of inertia among shoppers with regards to positive ESG behaviours,  despite some segments of the population asserting the high importance of ESG.

Read Shifting Shoppers’ ESG Attitudes to Action to find out:

  • How ESG plays out for shoppers, manufacturers and retailers.
  • What the responsibilities are for each party in creating a better world for people and planet.
  • How Ipsos’ ‘Me – My World – The World’ framework can help brands align with shoppers’ needs. 
  • How authenticity and relevance can incentivise shoppers to change behaviours and shift from attitude to action.

Contact authors Stuart Wood (Shopper Insights) and Danielle Doran (Channel Performance and ESG) to see how Ipsos can help you shift shoppers’ ESG actions to action. For more information:

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