Anti-Slavery Statement 2019

Ipsos is committed to ensuring that all our employees, workers and contractors are treated fairly, and that their human rights are respected. lpsos MORl's slavery and human trafficking statement is made pursuant to Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 ("Statement"). This Statement sets out the steps lpsos MORI has taken to address the risk of slavery and human trafficking taking place within its own operations and supply chains. For the purposes of this Statement, lpsos MORI represents: lpsos MORI UK Ltd and Market & Opinion Research International Ltd.

Furthermore, lpsos MORI is part of the group of companies operating globally under the control of lpsos SA, a French listed company ("lpsos Group").

Business sector and risks

lpsos MORI operates in the market research and public opinion sector, as well as ancillary services. As such, its supply chain for its main business operation is relatively straightforward. Management have identified data collection as the area with the greatest risk.

We are proud that the lpsos Group was the first research business in the world to subscribe to the UN Global Compact, encouraging businesses to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies.

Since 2008, the lpsos Group has subscribed to the UN Global Compact for respecting ten universal principles concerning human rights, labour, the environment and combating corruption. This commitment has also been incorporated into the lpsos Group global policies (“The Green Book”, the Ipsos Professional Code of Conduct), and a "Book of Policies and Procedures", all of which are supplemented by a whistle-blowing procedure.

lpsos MORl's "Anti-Slavery Policy" has been in place since July 2016, supplementing the requirements set out in the lpsos Group wide policies. All staff are required to comply with the policy, and we have a zero-tolerance approach to non-compliance. We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships, and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in our own business or any of our supply chains.

lpsos MORI has taken steps in order to reduce the risk identified in the data collection element of our business. Each third party provider of data collection services undergoes a vetting process by lpsos MORl's internal Compliance Department before being accepted as a supplier. This initial vetting is then supplemented by random audits. lpsos MORI is currently investigating whether this vetting process can be improved from a modern slavery perspective. As part of that, lpsos MORI shall consider specific due diligence around suppliers' compliance with modern slavery.

In 2018, lpsos MORI introduced a formal requirement within its supplier agreements compelling its suppliers to comply with the Modern Slavery Act; to implement controls to prevent modern slavery; and to notify lpsos MORI if they become aware of any instances of modern slavery within their business or supply chains.

Both whistleblowing and supplier oversight are seen as key performance indicators to measure lpsos MORl's effectiveness in ensuring that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in its business or supply chains.

Ipsos ensures compliance to the Modern Slavery Act is a paramount consideration when engaging with clients as well as with respective subcontractors and third parties.


lpsos MORI has issued training to its staff to enable them to better recognise the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in the supply chain. lpsos MORI has also asked its staff to familiarise themselves with the "Anti-Slavery Policy". Ipsos ensures all employees are kept up to date, as and when updates to legislation are implemented especially in light of the imminent effects on Ipsos’s multi-jurisdictional contracts and the impact of Brexit.

This statement has been published with delays due to COVID-19 and the various lockdown and government guidance which has made approval and review of this statement difficult to ascertain.  This statement was approved by the Boards of lpsos MORI UK Ltd and Market & Opinion Research International Ltd on 12th November 2020.

Ben Page
Chief Executive

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