Quality and Transparency
Ipsos' quality procedures are renowned as being at the leading edge in the industry, setting us apart from our competitors.
Our rigorous and structured training programme, which all staff complete, provides our clients with the peace of mind that they can always depend on us to deliver reliable, sustainable findings. Moreover, our focus on quality and continuous improvement means we have embedded a ‘right first time' approach throughout our organisation.
But don't just take our word for it. Listed below are the external certifications and accreditations we have achieved:
MRS Company Partnership Scheme: We were the first UK Market Research Company to sign up to the rigours of this Market Research Society code. With the increasing importance of self-regulation, we wanted to be at the forefront of supporting the ethics and quality of our industry by applying the professional code to our entire organisation in addition to individual employees.
ISO 20252 is the international market research specific standard that supersedes BS 7911/MRQSA & incorporates IQCS (Interviewer Quality Control Scheme); it covers all stages of a market, opinion and social research project, including insights and analytics. Ipsos in the UK were the first company in the world to gain this accreditation and now many have followed our lead. Here is a copy of our statement of applicability for this international standard.
ISO 9001 is the international standard for Quality Management systems. In addition to quality assurance of products, it also aims to enhance customer satisfaction.
ISO 27001 is the international standard for information security designed to ensure the selection of adequate and proportionate security controls. Ipsos was the first research company in the UK to be awarded this in August 2008.
Ipsos complies with the eight principles of the Data Protection Act which ensure that personal information is safe guarded however it is collected, recorded and used whether on paper, in a computer file or database or recorded on other material.
Ipsos has signed up to the Market Research Society’s Fair Data mark. Fair Data accreditation provides provides consumers and clients with reassurance that their data is being treated ethically, transparently and responsibly.
Ipsos has a small Compliance Department dedicated to ensuring that these standards and accreditations are met across the business. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact: [email protected]
Ipsos Publications Policy
Ipsos has a strong track record, going back more than 50 years, in making our published work available to all interested parties. To this end, strict procedures are in place relating to this published work. This is to ensure that details of our research are available in an appropriate format, thereby providing wide access to all those who are interested in the findings. We have two guiding principles here: quality and transparency.
Our website includes a regularly updated News & Polls research archive and Innovation & Knowledge publications library.
We have special rules in place for published surveys and opinion polls. Client-produced materials intended for publication are submitted to an internal Polls for Publication group for review. All questionnaires for surveys destined for publication are signed off by a senior member of staff then a member of the Polls for Publication group. The same process is in place for news releases and any other client-prepared materials which contain Ipsos survey findings. All surveys which come under British Polling Council rules are made available on our website within two days of publication. The details provided include: details of the commissioning client, the survey method, the percentages upon which the conclusions are based, the size and nature of the sample, the full question wording used, geographic area of coverage, fieldwork dates and a summary of any weighting methods applied to the data. Further details are made available on request.