Public Attitudes Towards Europe And The Euro

  • MORI Telephone Surveys interviewed 1,006 British adults aged 18+
  • Interviews were conducted by telephone on 29-30 September 2000
  • Results are based on all respondents unless stated
  • Data are weighted to the known profile
  • An '*' indicates a finding of less than 0.5%, but greater than zero
  • Poll conducted by MORI on behalf of The Sun

QV1 How would you vote if there were a General Election tomorrow? (If undecided or refused at Q1) QV2 Which party are you most inclined to support?

Conservative 36%
Labour 43%
Liberal Democrats 16%
Scottish/Welsh Nationalist 3%
Green Party 2%
Democratic/UKIP/Referendum Party *%
Other 1%

Would not vote 9%
Undecided 10%
Refused 2%

Q1 Who do you think would make the most capable Prime Minister - Mr Blair, Mr Hague or Mr Kennedy?

Mr Blair 40%
Mr Hague 21%
Mr Kennedy 15%
None of these 14%
Don't know 10%

Q2 If there were a referendum now on whether Britain should stay in or get out of the European Union, how would you vote?

Stay in 43%
Get out 46%
Don't know 11%

Q2a If there were a referendum now on whether Britain should stay in or get out of the European Union, how would you vote? Base: All expressing an opinion (896)

Stay in 48%
Get out 52%

Q3 In a referendum, would you vote for or against Britain replacing the pound sterling with the single European currency?

For 22%
Against 70%
Don't know 8%

Q3a In a referendum, would you vote for or against Britain replacing the pound sterling with the single European currency? Base: All expressing an opinion (926)

Stay in 24%
Get out 76%

Q4 For each of the following, please tell me whether you would or would not trust them to make decisions about Britain's future in Europe which will be in the interests of the British public?

  Trust Would not trust Don't know
  % % %
Prime Minister Tony Blair 46 49 5
Chancellor Gordon Brown 36 55 9
Conservative Party leader William Hague 35 58 7
Liberal Democrat Leader Charles Kennedy 44 41 15

Q5 The single European currency was launched in January last year, with 11 participating countries. Do you think it has or it has not been a success in these countries so far?

Has 13%
Has not 63%
Don't know 24%

Q6 And, looking ahead, do you think the single currency will or will not be a success?

Will 34%
Will not 53%
Don't know 13%

Q7 As you may have seen in the news, one of the other countries in Europe has just held a referendum on whether or not to join the Euro. Do you happen to know which country this is?

Denmark 65%
Other 6%
Don't know 29%

Q8 (The referendum was held in Denmark). Do you happen to know what the result was in the Danish referendum?

In favour of joining Euro 1%
Against joining 71%
Don't know 28%

For each of the following statements, please tell me to what extent you agree or disagree:

Q9Joining the Euro would involve giving up Britain's national identity

Strongly agree 34%
Tend to agree 21%
Neither agree nor disagree 6%
Tend to disagree 15%
Strongly disagree 21%
Don't know 3%

Q10 Joining the Euro would be good for Britain's economy

Strongly agree 15%
Tend to agree 17%
Neither agree nor disagree 9%
Tend to disagree 22%
Strongly disagree 29%
Don't know 8%

Q11 Have you been on holiday abroad over the last few years?

Yes 67%
No 33%

Q12 When you are going on holiday, which of these best describes your attitude to changing money? Base: All who have been on holiday abroad over the last few years (660)

Like changing money from pounds to another currency 14%
Dislike changing money from pounds to another currency 15%
Don't mind either way 71%
Don't know 1%

Q13 Which of these do you think Britain should have the closest relationship with - Europe or America?

Europe 53%
America 35%
Somewhere else 1%
Neither 3%
Don't know 8%

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