Dr. Emily Gray

Dr. Emily Gray, Managing Director, Scotland

Expertise: Scotland / Political Polling / Elections / Current Affairs

Dr. Emily Gray, Managing Director, Ipsos ScotlandDr. Emily Gray is Managing Director of Ipsos in Scotland. Based in Edinburgh, she leads a team of researchers in Scotland specialising in social research and evaluation for public, private and voluntary sector clients. Emily brings more than 20 years’ experience of quantitative, qualitative and mixed-methods research, including 17 years at Ipsos.

Before joining the Scotland team in 2017, Emily held a succession of roles at Ipsos, including heading up the company’s central government research, followed by senior roles in its international social research team and public sector communications unit. Prior to her time at Ipsos, she worked as an academic researcher specialising in political communications.

Emily brings expertise in public opinion, Scottish politics, climate change and the environment. She frequently comments on public opinion on current affairs on TV and radio, and was Ipsos’s lead spokesperson for the 2021 Scottish Parliament Election. She has led and contributed to many of Ipsos’s published reports in her areas of expertise. She is an experienced presenter who has presented our research and insight to many audiences in Scotland, the wider UK and internationally.