Public Affairs
Ipsos’s Young People Omnibus is an annual survey of young people attending secondary schools in England, Wales and Scotland. The study has been used by Government departments, leading academic teams, charities and third sector organisations, and other specialist organisations.
The Young People Omnibus has been used to explore a wide range of issues affecting youth. These include: interest in different careers, understanding of politics and current affairs, health issues and physical activity, gambling, social media and technology, crime and extremism, faith and religion, education and universities.
The study helps clients to:
- Gain responses from a large sample of young people - we interview over 2,500 young people, aged 11-16 years, in approximately 110 schools. The sample is designed to be representative of all secondary and middle schools in the state sector that deliver education to curriculum years 7-11 in England, Wales, and Scotland.
- Be flexible in their choice of sample size, with previous clients using a large overall sample to conduct robust sub-group analysis, e.g. by age, gender and region.
- Run survey questions in a cost-effective way on an omnibus basis, whereby administrative costs are shared.
- Ask customised confidential questions.