Attitudes to the EU

To supplement the Sun survey, MORI was commissioned by the European newspaper to research attitudes to three questions in France and Germany. - Cross-national trends

  • MORI interviewed a representative quota sample of 1,068 British adults aged 18+ at 49 constituency sampling points throughout Great Britain.
  • Interviews were conducted face-to-face, in street, on 27 April 1996.
  • Data were weighted to match the profile of the population.
  • The survey was conducted on behalf of the Sun and published on 29 April 1996.

To supplement the Sun survey, MORI was commissioned by the European newspaper to research attitudes to three questions in France and Germany. - Cross-national trends

  • A representative sample of 508 German adults aged 18+ across all 16 Bundeslander were interviewed by telephone on 30 April 1996 by gdp Markt-und Meinungsumfragen Gmbh (Hamburg)
  • A representative sample of 525 French adults were interviewed by telephone on 30 April-1 May 1996 by BVA.
  • Data were weighted to match the profiles of the populations.

Q1 How would you vote if there was a General Election tomorrow? IF UNDECIDED OR REFUSED Which party are you most inclined to support?

Conservative 29
Labour 54
Lib Dem 13
Scottish/Welsh Nationalists 1
Green Party 2
Referendum Party 1
Other -

(Figures exclude 8% would not vote, 6% undecided and 3% refused)

I would now like to ask you some questions about Britain and Europe.

Q2 How concerned are you about how the European Union (Common Market) develops in the future?

Very concerned 34
Fairly concerned 40
Not very concerned 13
Not at all concerned 9
Don't know 4
Concerned 74
Not concerned 22
Net concerned +52

Q3 Would you personally like to see a referendum held on Britain's future in Europe before the general election, on the same day as the general election, at some time after the general election, or would you not like to see a referendum on this issue at all?

  All Ex-Con
  % %
Yes, referendum before the election 54 61
Yes, referendum on election day 6 7
Yes, referendum at some time after the election 13 14
No, would not like to see referendum 18 16
Don't know 9 2
Any referendum 73 82

Q4 Which of these options best describes your own preference for Britain's future role in Europe?

  All Con Lab LD Ex-Con
  % % % % %
Britain and other member states of the European Union moving towards closer Political and economic integration 24 21 29 20 19
Britain's relationship with Europe remaining broadly the same as at present 24 25 23 25 15
Britain returning to being part of an economic community, without political links 28 34 26 34 43
Britain leaving the European Union altogether 19 19 18 17 23
Other 1 * 1 1 -
None of these 4 * 3 3 -

Q5 If it became clear that it would not be possible for Britain to return to being part of an economic community without political links, and there were a referendum on whether Britain should stay in or get out of the European Union, how would you vote?

  All Con Lab LD Ex-Con
  % % % % %
Stay In 38 39 41 38 29
Get Out 41 44 38 44 56
Depends 13 11 12 14 14
Don't Know 8 6 9 4 1

I would now like to ask you about some of the issues involving Europe and the European Union that have been in the news recently.

Q6 For each one I read out, could you tell me how, if it all, it has affected your overall opinion of the European Union - has it improved, stayed the same or got worse?

  Improved Stayed same Got worse Don't know Net better
  % % % % ±%
The debate over European fishing rights 2 23 63 12 -61
The Beef / BSE controversy 5 28 63 4 -58
The rulings made by the European Courts of Justice and Human Rights 17 34 34 15 -17

Q7 At the moment, a number of ideas are being considered for the future of the European Union. On balance, would you support or oppose Britain participating in each of the following.....?

  Support Oppose Don't know Net better
  % % % ±%
A United States of Europe 27 57 16 -30
A single European currency 32 58 10 -26
A Central bank of Europe 31 54 15 -23
A single, co-ordinated foreign policy 29 49 22 -20
Fully integrated armed forces 36 50 14 -14
A Supreme Court of Europe 35 48 17 -13

Q8 Looking to the future, who would you prefer to see decide Britain's economic policy - a Central Bank of Europe or the British Government?

Central Bank of Europe 14
British Government 75
Neither 4
Don't know 7

Q9 At the moment, the European Court of Justice has the power to overturn decisions made by courts in Britain. On balance, do you think the European Court should or should not have this power?

Should 31
Should not 60
Don't know 9

Q10 And at the moment, each member state of the European Union, including Britain, has the right to veto or block proposals for new European legislation. It has been proposed that this veto should be removed, and decisions be taken by a qualified majority of member states. On balance, do you think that Britain should keep its right to veto, or not?

Britain should keep right to veto 77
Britain should not keep right to veto 14
Don't know 9

Q11 In principle, who do you think should have the power to regulate conditions of employment, for example on working hours and health & safety - the British Government or the European Union?

British Government 63
European Union 30
Neither 2
Don't know 5

Cross-national trends

Q12 On balance, do you support or oppose the following?

  Great Britain France Germany
1994 1996 Ch 1994 1996 Ch 1994 1996 Ch
% % ±% % % ±% % % ±%
A Central Bank of Europe
Support 32 31 -1 51 57 +6 54 43 -11
Oppose 54 54 0 25 31 +6 34 34 0
Don't Know 14 15 -1 24 12 -12 12 23 +11
Net Support -22 -23 -1 26 26 0 20 9 -11
  Great Britain France Germany
1994 1996 Ch 1994 1996 Ch 1994 1996 Ch
% % ±% % % ±% % % ±%
A Single European Currency
Support 40 32 -8 65 67 +2 45 40 -5
Oppose 55 58 +3 25 29 +4 50 52 +2
Don't Know 5 10 +5 10 4 +6 5 7 +2
Net Support -15 -26 -11 40 38 -2 -5 -12 -7
  Great Britain France Germany
1994 1996 Ch 1994 1996 Ch 1994 1996 Ch
% % ±% % % ±% % % ±%
A United States of Europe with a Federal Government
Support 17 27 +10 33 38 +5 25 41 +16
Oppose 68 57 -11 45 53 +8 67 45 -22
Don't Know 15 16 +1 22 10 -12 8 14 +6
Net Support -51 -30 -21 -12 -15 -3 -42 -4 +38

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