EU Referendum Survey

Ipsos's recent poll for the Liberal Democrats shows that over half of British adults think there should be a referendum on Britain's membership with Europe (54%), while a quarter disagree (27%).

Ipsos's recent poll for the Liberal Democrats shows that over half of British adults think there should be a referendum on Britain's membership with Europe (54%), while a quarter disagree (27%).

When asked what they would like a referendum to be about (if held), almost two in five said they would prefer a referendum on Britain's relationship with Europe altogether (38%), one in five (18%) would like a referendum only on the details of the Lisbon treaty, 10% don't want a referendum at all and 8% want a referendum on both. A quarter said they do not know (26%).

Topline Results

  • Ipsos interviewed a representative quota sample of 1,026 adults in Great Britain aged 18+.
  • Interviews were conducted by telephone between 21-26 February 2008.
  • Data are weighted to match the profile of the population.
  • Where percentages do not sum to 100, this may be due to computer rounding, the exclusion of "don't know" categories, or multiple answers. Throughout the volume, an asterisk (*) denotes any value of less than half a per cent.
  • Unless otherwise stated, results are based on all respondents (1,026).
  • Download the data tabulations pdf, 44KB

Q1 Do you think there should be a referendum on Britain's membership of the European Union, or not?

160 %
Yes 54
No 27
Don't know 19

Q2 As you may know, the Lisbon Treaty, currently going through Parliament, makes changes to the way the European Union is run.

If there were to be a referendum on Britain's relationship with Europe, would you prefer it to be a referendum only on the Lisbon Treaty, or a referendum on Britain's membership of the European Union altogether?

160 %
A referendum only on the Lisbon Treaty 18
A referendum on Britain's membership of the European Union altogether 38
Don't want a referendum at all 10
Both 8
Other *
Don't know 26

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