European Parliamentary Elections Research - May 1999
If you do vote at the European Parliamentary elections on June 10, do you think you will vote mostly about the parties' policies on Europe or about the way the government is running the country?
Technical details
- Base: 1,014 British adults aged 18+
- Interviews conducted in 80 Enumeration District Sampling Points nationwide
- Fieldwork dates: 21-24 May 1999
- Data weighted to the known population profile
- All figures are in % unless otherwise stated
- An asterix (*) represents a value of less than one half of one per cent, but not zero
- Totals may not add up to 100%, due to multiple answers or computer rounding
Q1-6 For the preceding six questions on the European Elections, see this months Times survey.
Q7 If you do vote at the European Parliamentary elections on June 10, do you think you will vote mostly about the parties' policies on Europe or about the way the government is running the country?
Base: 1,014 | Base: All certain to vote (313) | |
% | % | |
Mostly about the parties' policies on Europe | 36 | 47 |
Mostly about the way the government is running the country | 41 | 40 |
Both/Neither/No opinion | 23 | 13 |
Issues - Unprompted
Q8 You say that you will vote mostly about the parties' policies on Europe. Which, if any particular policies on Europe will be very important to you in helping you decide which party to vote for?Base: All saying party policies at Q7 (341)
% | |
Agriculture/fishing/food safety | 11 |
Animal welfare | 2 |
Britain's relationship with the European Union | 21 |
Defence | 4 |
Education | 8 |
Enlargement of the European Union | 5 |
Employment law/workers rights | 8 |
Health care | 8 |
Investing in and supporting the regions | 1 |
Law and order | 7 |
Managing the economy | 15 |
Protecting the natural environment | 9 |
Reform of European Union institutions | 7 |
The single currency/euro | 42 |
Transport | 2 |
Unemployment | 6 |
| |
Other | 17 |
None of these | 1 |
No opinion | 13 |
Issues - Prompted
Q9 If you do get along to vote in the European Parliamentary elections on June 10, which, if any, of these policies do you think will be very important to you in helping you decide which party to vote for?Base: All (1,014)
% | |
Agriculture/fishing/food safety | 17 |
Animal welfare | 12 |
Britain's relationship with the European Union | 25 |
Defence | 18 |
Education | 43 |
Enlargement of the European Union | 8 |
Employment law/workers rights | 24 |
Health care | 48 |
Investing in and supporting the regions | 14 |
Law and order | 35 |
Managing the economy | 26 |
Protecting the natural environment | 23 |
Reform of European Union institutions | 13 |
The single currency/euro | 38 |
Transport | 20 |
Unemployment | 38 |
| |
Other | 2 |
None of these | 4 |
No opinion | 8 |
Support for the Greens
Q10 If you thought that the Green Party could win seats in the European Parliamentary elections in June, what effect, if any, would it have on your vote?Base: All (1,014)
% | |
It would not change my vote | 63 |
It would make me more inclined to vote Conservative | 1 |
It would make me more inclined to vote Labour | 2 |
It would make me more inclined to vote Liberal Democrat | 2 |
It would make me more inclined to vote Green | 14 |
It would make me more inclined to vote SNP/Plaid Cymru | * |
It would make me more inclined to vote for some other party | 1 |
Will not/do not intend to vote | 11 |
Other | * |
Don't know | 6 |
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