A National Survey on a Single European Currency

MORI poll on attitudes towards the Europe, the Euro and a European super state

  • MORI On-Line interviewed 1,009 adults aged 18+ across Great Britain
  • Interviews were conducted by telephone on 22-23 April 1997
  • Data were weighted to profile of the population
  • The survey was conducted for the Euro-Sceptic Conservative activist Paul Sykes
  • An asterisk (*) denotes a figure between zero and 0.5%
  • Base: All respondents, unless stated

Q1 How do you intend to vote at the General Election on May 1st? (If undecided or refused at Q1) Q2 Which party are you inclined to support?

Conservative 30
Labour 53
Lib Dem 12
Scot / Welsh Nationalist 2
Green Party 1
Referendum Party 2
Other *
Would not vote 7
Undecided 8
Refused 4

Q3 How much, if anything do you feel you know about plans for a single European currency? Would you say you know a great deal, a fair amount, just a little or hardly anything at all, or have you never heard of it?

  All Con Lab LD Con switchers
  % % % % %
A great deal 5 6 1 4 6
A fair amount 22 15 28 21 26
Just a little 43 44 39 55 60
Hardly anything at all 26 34 27 20 8
Never heard of it 3 1 4 * -
Don't know 1 - 1 - -

Q4 If there was a referendum now on whether Britain should be part of a single European currency, how would you vote?

  All Con Lab LD Con switchers
  % % % % %
In favour of a single currency 27 11 41 23 16
Against single currency 54 75 36 62 79
Don't know 19 14 23 15 6

Q5 How strongly do you support or oppose the idea that there should be a United States of Europe with a federal government?

  All Con Lab LD Con switchers
  % % % % %
Support strongly 5 1 8 3 3
Tend to support 15 5 25 15 12
Neither support nor oppose 16 13 20 10 6
Tend to oppose 20 33 14 25 14
Strongly oppose 35 41 25 39 64
No opinion 9 7 8 8 2

Q6 If you were aware that Britain joining a single currency meant that we could no longer determine interest rates in Britain or the exchange rate at which we trade-unions outside Europe - these being decided instead by a European Central Bank - how would you vote in a referendum on a single currency?

  All Con Lab LD Con switchers
  % % % % %
In favour of a single currency 19 5 28 22 7
Against single currency 69 88 57 73 91
Don't know 12 7 16 5 2

Q7 And if it became clear that Britain's gold reserves and rates of taxation would be controlled by a European Bank, how would you vote in a referendum on a single currency?

  All Con Lab LD Con switchers
  % % % % %
In favour of a single currency 16 5 25 14 6
Against single currency 70 90 55 80 90
Don't know 14 5 20 6 4

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