Questions for Women

Q1 How do you intend to vote at the General Election on May 1? (If undecided or refused at Q1) Q2 Which party are you most inclined to support? Base: All first time electors (800)

  • MORI On-Line surveys interviewed a representative quota sample of 800 women aged 18+ by telephone on 26-27 March, 1997
  • An asterisk (*) denotes a figure below 0.5, but not zero.
  • Research study conducted for The Mail on Sunday

Q1 How do you intend to vote at the General Election on May 1? (If undecided or refused at Q1) Q2 Which party are you most inclined to support? Base: All first time electors (800)





Liberal Democrats


Scottish/Welsh Nationalist


Referendum Party


Green Party




Would not vote






Q3 Which of the party leaders, John Major, the Prime Minister, Tony Blair, the leader of the Labour Party or Paddy Ashdown, the Liberal Democrat leader, would be the best Prime Minister?

John Major


Tony Blair


Paddy Ashdown




Don't know


Q4 I am going to read out a list of words that could describe a person. As I read each one, could you tell me which leader each word most applies to? Does each word apply most to John Major/Tony Blair/Paddy Ashdown?

 John MajorTony BlairPaddy AshdownAll equalNoneDon't know

Q5 I am now going to read out another list that could describe a person. As I read each one, could you tell me which leader each word most applies to? Does each word apply most to John Major/Tony Blair/Paddy Ashdown?

 John MajorTony BlairPaddy AshdownAll equalNoneDon't know
Only wants to get elected263282284

Q6 Still thinking about the party leaders, which of the three of them do you feel has the most appealing:

 John MajorTony BlairPaddy AshdownAll equalNoneDon't know
And which leader would make the best father?15341312521
Which leader would you most trust to invest your money with?2122111326
Which would you prefer as a next door neighbour?2826236195
To which would you confide a personal problem?2017152397

Q7 I am going to read out a list of policy areas. Could you tell me which of the party leaders, Mr Major, Mr Blair or Mr Ashdown would be best on each of these things, if elected Prime Minister?

 John MajorTony BlairPaddy AshdownAll equalNoneDon't know
The economy3932102611
NHS *1354122712
Representing Britain in Europe3635112610
Fighting crime2434147615

*Asked of a part sample only, n=594


Q8 Now some questions about the party leaders wives, Norma Major, Cherie Blair and Jane Ashdown. Which of the wives do you think:

 Norma MajorCherie BlairJane AshdownAll equalNoneDon't know
Would be the biggest help to her husband in a crisis313168222
Would be the best asset to Britain when accompanying her husband abroad273936223
Would be the best mother2221518133
Would be a best role model for women generally214064623
Would make the best wife for a British Prime Minister overall313545223

Q9 There have been a number of stories recently accusing Conservative MPs of misconduct. What do you think John Major should do....*

Sack or deselect them before the General Election


Wait until Parliament has had time to consider the report into their behaviour


Don't know


*Asked of part of sample, n=538

Technical details

MORI interviewed a representative quota sample of 800 women aged 18+. Interviews conducted by telephone on March 26th and 27th, 1997. At the analysis stage, the data were weighted to match the population profile. All figures are in percentages. Where percentages do not sum to 100, this may be due to multiple responses, the exclusion of don't knows or computer rounding. An asterisk (*) denotes a figure below 0.5, but not zero.

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