Times Election Poll - Week 3
MORI's third poll for The Times during the 1997 election campaign, including questions on the conduct of the campaign and on European integration, as well as the regular tracking questions
MORI interviewed 1,137 adults aged 18+ at 85 enumeration district sampling points throughout Great Britain. All interviews were conducted face-to-face in-home on 15th April 1997, and the results published in The Times on 17th April 1997. Data were weighted to match population profile. An asterisk (*) denotes a figure between zero and 0.5%.
Q1 How do you intend to vote at the General Election on May 1? [If undecided or refused at Q1] Q2 Which party are you most inclined to support? Base: 1,137
Conservative | ![]() |
Labour | ![]() |
Liberal Democrats | ![]() |
Scottish/Welsh Nationalist | ![]() |
Green Party | ![]() |
Referendum Party | ![]() |
Would not vote | ![]() |
Undecided | ![]() |
Refused | ![]() |
Q3 Can you tell me how likely you are to get along to vote in the General Election?
% | |
Certain to vote | 64 |
Very likely to vote | 13 |
Quite likely to vote | 12 |
Not very likely to vote | 4 |
Certain not to vote | 6 |
Don't know | 2 |
Q4 How strongly do you support the (Party named at Q1 or Q2)? Do you support them...
% | |
Very strongly | 28 |
Fairly strongly | 46 |
Not very strongly | 20 |
Not strongly at all | 5 |
Don't know / no answer | 1 |
Q5 Have you definitely decided to vote for the (Party named at Q1 or Q2)? or is there a chance you may change your mind before you vote?
% | |
Definitely decided | 69 |
May change mind | 27 |
Don't know | 4 |
Q6 If you do change your mind about voting for the (Party named at Q1 or Q2), which party would you vote for instead?
% | |
Conservative | 14 |
Labour | 22 |
Lib Dem | 29 |
Scot / Welsh Nationalist | 3 |
Green Party | 2 |
Referendum Party | 2 |
Other | 1 |
None of them / would not vote | 4 |
Don't know | 25 |
Q7 Who do you think would make the most capable Prime Minister, Mr Major, Mr Blair or Mr Ashdown?
% | |
Major | 25 |
Blair | 35 |
Asdown | 15 |
Don't know | 25 |
Q8 Which political party, if any, do you think would be most likely to introduce policies that improve your standard of living?
% | |
Conservative | 23 |
Labour | 36 |
Lib Dem | 9 |
Other | 2 |
None | 15 |
Don't know | 16 |
Q9 If there were a referendum now on whether Britain should stay in or get out of the European Union (Common Market), how would you vote?
All | Expressing Opinion (916) | |
% | % | |
Stay in | 40 | 50 |
Get out | 40 | 50 |
Don't know / no opinion | 20 | 0 |
Q10 If there were a referendum now on whether Britain should be part of a single European currency, how would you vote?
% | |
In favour of a single European currency | 22 |
Against a single European currency | 58 |
Don't know / no opinion | 20 |
Q11 Here are two statements about the single European currency. Which one comes closest to your view?
% | |
Britain should keep open its options on a single currency and decide whether or not to join when the preparations have developed further | 57 |
Britain should now rule out joining the first group of countries to form a single currency | 33 |
Neither of these | 2 |
Don't know / no opinion | 8 |
Q12 Which of the following comes closest to your views?
% | |
The election should be fought by the parties putting forward their own policies and personalities | 65 |
The election should be fought by the parties pointing out what is wrong with the policies and personalities in other parties | 9 |
Both of these | 14 |
Neither of these | 8 |
Don't know / no opinion | 5 |
Q13 And which of these best describes the actual way the election is being fought?
% | |
The election is being fought by the parties putting forward their own policies and personalities | 10 |
The election is being fought by the parties pointing out what is wrong with the policies and personalities in other parties | 63 |
Both of these | 17 |
Neither of these | 4 |
Don't know / no opinion | 7 |
Q14 During the past few weeks have you seen any party political broadcasts on TV? Which party was that?
% | |
Conservative | 31 |
Labour | 33 |
Lib Dem | 23 |
Scot / Welsh Nationalist | 5 |
Referendum Party | 4 |
Other | * |
Yes, but don't know which party | 4 |
No, not seen any | 53 |
Don't know | 1 |
Technical details
This volume contains the findings of a poll conducted by Market & Opinion Research International (MORI) on behalf of The Times Newspaper. MORI interviewed a representative quota sample of 1,137 adults (aged 18+) on 15th April 1997. Interviews were carried out face-to-face in home. At the analysis stage, the data were weighted to match the population profile. All figures are in percentages. Where percentages do not sum to 100, this may be due to multiple responses, the exclusion of don't knows or computer rounding. An asterisk (*) denotes a figure between zero and 0.5%.
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