Vegan Society Poll

An Ipsos survey for the Vegan Society has identified that 3.25% of GB adults 15+ never eat meat of any form as part of their diet.

An Ipsos survey for the Vegan Society has identified that 3.25% of GB adults 15+ never eat meat of any form as part of their diet.

Just over 1% (1.05%) are classed as “Dietary vegans”, defined by the Vegan Society as those who never eat meat or any other animal products.

Just under 1% (0.7%) never eat any animal products and avoid using products derived from animals or involving animals in their production. This group is described by the Vegan Society as “lifestyle vegans”.

Technical Note Interviews were carried out on Capibus, Ipsos’s face to face omnibus survey. 9,933 adult GB adults aged 15+ were interviewed between 5th February and 4th April 2016 in respondents homes using CAPI (Computer Aided Personal Interviewing) methodology. Data are weighted to age, region, working status and social grade within gender, as well as household tenure and respondent ethnicity.

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