- Does your organization need high caliber research that will withstand tough scrutiny from the press or other tough audiences, both inside and outside of your organization?
- Do you need to gather insights that are accurate enough to bet your business on?
- Do you need a dependable, credible, cost-efficient way to answer business questions fast?
Our new KnowledgePanel Omnibus is the answer. KnowledgePanel (KP) differs from “opt-in” online panels:
- To recruit panel members, we use ABS (address-based sampling) as the primary methodology—a probability-based approach that includes cell phone-only households.
- For non-internet households, we provide internet access and a laptop for the completion of online surveys: Therefore, the sample is not limited to only those who already have internet access.
- The representativeness of its sample—including hard-to-reach groups such as young adults, males and minorities—has been documented in numerous academic papers.
KnowledgePanel serves as an excellent alternative to telephone samples. You can project results to the general adult population, which makes the KP Omnibus ideal for:
- Public release opinion polls
- Proprietary surveys
- Tracking studies
In addition, approximately 2,000 profile variables spanning issues as diverse as health characteristics, sports interest, internet usage and finance are available for purchase.
Schedules & Pricing
- The KP Omnibus consists of 1,000 adults aged 18 or older and currently fields weekly and follows our normal fast-track cycle:
- Deadline for questions Thursday noon (ET)
- Fieldwork Friday–Sunday
- Results (data tabs) by close of business Monday
- Pricing starts at $1000 per question unit*
- Also available: Custom banners, data files, analyses and oversamples
* A unit is a simple, straightforward, close-ended question, such as yes/no or a checklist of up to 10 response categories, or a rating scale with up to four attribute statements.
Additional Ipsos Omnibus offerings
- Ipsos Government & Academic Omnibus—Consists of 1,000 respondents aged 18 or older who are representative of the U.S. general adult population. Each Omnibus survey will have a 10-day field period with 55–60% cooperation rates, assuring high-quality data including representation from harder-to-reach groups such as young adults, males and minorities.
- Ipsos KnowledgePanel 5K Omnibus—Consists of 5,000 (5K) English- and Spanish-speaking U.S. Each 5K Omnibus survey will have a 7–10 day field period with 55–60% cooperation rates, assuring high-quality data including representation from harder-to-reach groups such as young adults, males and minorities.
- Hispanic Omnibus—Monthly online survey of 1,000 Hispanic Americans aged 18+. Conducted in either Spanish or English, utilizing the KnowledgePanel LatinoSM panel. Includes acculturation model.
To learn more about our KnowledgePanel Omnibus service—or how Ipsos Omnibus Services can help you gain insights on a wide range of marketing issues, fast and affordably contact your Ipsos account representative, download this sheet or email us at [email protected]