Pride in the Russian automotive industry

The Ipsos team in Russia decided to ask the Russian consumers if they now perceive Russia to be a manufacturer of high-tech industrial goods. To what extent are people ready to be proud of domestic technologies? How sought-after and useful will the use of this issue be in the communication of Russian and international brands?

The author(s)
  • Denis Afanasko Ipsos UU, Russia
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Cover of the article New high-tech achievements are emerging in Russian civil life. The country has declared a focus on the development of both new and traditional industries, on greater industrial localization, as well as on growth in its own high-tech competencies, including the automotive industry. We wondered how Russian consumers perceive these changes, how they see Russia’s potential as a producer of new civil technologies and innovations, especially in the automotive sector, and how brands should react to these changes.

Key takeaways

  • Russian achievements in the automotive industry is the most promising area. As for other industries, such achievements are very sought-after, and the existing achievements already make consumers feel proud. However, current awareness is very low.
  • Sharing domestic high-tech developments in communications – whether joint or the country’s own –will have a positive effect on brand image. It will also help to increase perceived social responsibility of brands with regards to their work in raising Russian economy, science, the overall development of the country, and in the creation of high-tech jobs
  • Further development of Russia’s own achievements in e-mobility and self-driving will positively influence the country’s image, be welcomed, and be a source of national pride.

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The author(s)
  • Denis Afanasko Ipsos UU, Russia

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