Ipsos study for PayPal reveals drivers and barriers of mobile shopping around the world
Research carried out by Ipsos for PayPal, which investigated the mobile shopping habits of more than 17,500 consumers in 22 countries, reveals insights on mobile shopping behaviour, barriers and growth markets.
Research carried out by Ipsos for PayPal, which investigated the mobile shopping habits of more than 17,500 consumers in 22 countries, also reveals insights on mobile shopping behaviour, barriers and growth markets.
Technical Note
On behalf of PayPal, Ipsos interviewed a representative quota sample of c.800 (17,519 in total) adults (aged 18 or over) who own and/or use an internet enabled device* in each of 22 countries (UK, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Poland, Turkey, Russia, Israel, UAE, USA, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, China, Australia). Interviews were conducted online between 9th September and 3rd November 2014. China Fieldwork was conducted between 25th September and 14th October 2014, among a sample of 800. US fieldwork was conducted between 9th and 24th September 2014, among a sample of 800. Data was weighted to known incidence of online shoppers in all countries, and to demographic profile of internet users in 7 countries. * Desktop computer / Laptop / notebook computer / Tablet / Smartphone / Some other type of mobile phone / Electronic organiser / PDA with wireless voice and data features/ Games console with Internet connectivity (e.g. Wii)More insights about Financial Services