NHS, the economy, inflation and immigration set to be biggest election issues
The May 2024 Ipsos Issues Index shows that the NHS, with a rise in concern of 6 percentage points, has returned as the biggest issue facing Britain.
- Thirty-five per cent name the NHS as the most important issue facing Britain, up six percentage points from April
- Concern about the economy is down six points from last month
- Concern about immigration and crime have both risen three points
The NHS has overtaken the economy as the biggest issue facing the country, according to the pre-election Ipsos Issues index. Concern has risen by six percentage points since April, with 35% now seeing the health system as one of the biggest concerns for Britain. Polling was conducted between 1-7 May, just before the July General Election was called.
Inflation was mentioned by 29% of Britons, close to its April score of 27%. Concern about the economy has fallen by six percentage points since last month and is now a big issue for 28% of the public. Immigration is another similarly-sized concern this month, with 27% citing it as an issue.
These four issues are and will form the bedrock of public concern heading into the election. However, concern remains uneven across supporters of the main political parties. The NHS ranks highest among Labour supporters, with 43% citing it as the most important issue facing the country, a little ahead of inflation and the economy (both 34% among this group). Among Conservative supporters, 54% believe immigration to be one of the most important issues facing Britain, well ahead of the economy which is their second-biggest issue, on 38%.
Elsewhere in the poll, there has also been a three-point increase in the proportion who mention crime as a big issue for the country. Twelve per cent mention this as a big concern, the highest level recorded for this issue since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020. However, the level of public concern about crime is still lower than it was in the period immediately pre-pandemic.

Gideon Skinner, Head of Politics Research at Ipsos said:
Our pre-election Issues Index shows the NHS has returned as the biggest issue facing Britain. And although economic concern has fallen since April, the economy and inflation both remain big concerns for a significant number of people.
Alongside immigration, these issues comprise the 'big four' concerns that will likely be critical factors in influencing how people vote as they prepare to head to the polls on 4th July.
Technical note
Ipsos' Issues Index is conducted monthly and provides an overview of the key issues concerning the country. Ipsos interviewed a representative sample of 1,015 adults aged 18+ across Great Britain. The answers are spontaneous responses, and participants are not prompted with any answers. Ipsos’ telephone omnibus was used for this survey. Interviews were conducted between 1-7 May 2024. Data are weighted to match the profile of the population. All polls are subject to a wide range of potential sources of error.
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