Three in four say Britain is divided, but public say problems are less serious than in the US

47% believe that British society is more in danger because of divisions between people with different political views than twenty years ago according to Ipsos polling.

The author(s)
  • Hannah Shrimpton Head of Crime, Cohesion and Security
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  • 76% of Britons believe that Britain is divided these days – down from 85% in 2018 (-9)
  • Half (52%) say that the most tension exists between immigrants and people born in Britain (up from 42% in 2019)
  • Generally, Britons are less concerned than Americans about political violence in their country

New Ipsos polling, taken 22-24 July (before recent events in Southport), examines attitudes towards division and political violence in Great Britain, and whether levels of concern are higher than in the United States. 

Political division in Britain

  • Three quarters (76%) of Britons believe that Britain is divided these days. However, this is down from 85% who said the same in February 2018 (-9).
  • Two in three 64% believe that British society is more divided than ten years ago – although this has decreased from 71% in May 2019. 
  • The public are divided over whether differences in people’s political views are dangerous (35%) or healthy (37%) for British society. 
  • 47% believe that British society is more in danger because of divisions between people with different political views than twenty years ago. The same number said the same in December 2018.
  • When asked about divisions between different groups, half (52%) say that there is tension between immigrants and people born in Britain (up from 42% in 2019). This is followed by people with different political views (44%), and people of different ethnicities (42%). 
Ipsos Chart: •	76% of Britons believe that Britain is divided these days – down from 85% in 2018 (-9). •	Half (52%) say that the most tension exists between immigrants and people born in Britain (up from 42% in 2019). •	Generally, Britons are less concerned than Americans about political violence in their country.

Is Britain more or less divided than the United States? 

  • Overall, the British public believe that division and the threat of political violence are less serious problems than in the United States. 44% of Britons believe that divisions between people with different backgrounds, cultures or points of view are a less serious problem in Britain, and half (52%) believe the threat of violence against politicians/elected officials is less serious. Just 12 % and 9% respectively think these things are more of a problem in Britain.
  • Elsewhere in the poll, levels of concern about political violence in Britain were measured against those in the United States from different surveys. Generally, Britons are less concerned about political violence in their country than their American counterparts. 71% of Britons are concerned about resorting to violence instead of peacefully solving disagreements, versus 87% of Americans. 
Ipsos Chart: Britons are generally less concerned than Americans about political violence in their country

Keiran Pedley, Research Director at Ipsos said of the findings:

Our findings show strong levels of concern about Britain being divided and a prevailing sense that things are worse than they used to be – with particular concern about divisions between immigrants and those born in Britain. However, the degree of concern overall is weaker than it has been, and the British public appear less concerned than their American counterparts. Though, it should be noted, these findings were taken before recent events, so it is possible that things change in the coming weeks. 

Technical Note

Ipsos interviewed a representative sample of 986 adults aged 18-75 across Great Britain. Polling was conducted online between 12-15 July 2024. Data are weighted to match the profile of the population. All polls are subject to a wide range of potential sources of error. 

The author(s)
  • Hannah Shrimpton Head of Crime, Cohesion and Security

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