Support for drafting women to the military has decreased since 2016
Washington, DC, August 4, 2021 - A new Ipsos poll finds that support for drafting women into the military has decreased since 2016. The poll also finds that two-thirds of Americans believe extreme heat has become more frequent compared to ten years ago. Fewer Americans say the same for other extreme weather events. In addition, findings show that re-watching a favorite tv-show or movie is Americans’ favorite way to relax or form of self-care.
Detailed Findings
1. Two-thirds of Americans say extreme heat has become more frequent compared to ten years ago (64%)
- Fewer Americans say the same for other extreme weather events such as poor air quality/air pollution (48%), droughts (45%), and flooding (44%).
- The percent of Americans stating extreme cold is more frequent compared to ten years ago has declined from 46% in 2018 to 31% in August 2021. Similarly, the percent saying the same for blizzards went down from 30% in 2018 to 17% in 2021.
2. Support for drafting women into the military has decreased significantly since 2016
- In 2016, 63% of Americans supported drafting women, as well as men, if the military draft were reinstated. In this most recent poll, only 45% of Americans are in favor.
- In 2021, over half of all men (55%) support drafting women, compared to about a third (36%) of women.
3. Swimming and gymnastics are the most popular events to watch in the Tokyo Olympics
- Fifty-four percent of Americans have not watched any of the Olympics so far. Among those that are watching, swimming (73%) and gymnastics (70%) were the most popular events.
- Those who are watching the Olympics are enjoying watching. Four in five (81%) of those watching the Olympics say they have enjoyed watching.
- Skateboarding is the event attracting the most new viewers. One in five (19%) viewers say this Olympics is the first time they have watched the sport.
4. Re-watching a favorite tv-show is America's favorite way to relax or form of self-care (54%)
- Other popular self-care activities included going for a walk (49%), reading (47%), and exercise (42%).
- Women are more likely than men to hang out with friends as a way to relax. Two in five (41%) women say they go out to eat or drink with friends and one-third (32%) say they hang out at home with friends to relax. Only 33% and 24% of men say the same.
- One in ten (10%) men say they don’t do anything to relax, two times more than the number of women (5%) that say the same.
About the Study
This Ipsos poll was conducted July 30 – August 2, 2021, by Ipsos using the probability-based KnowledgePanel®. This poll is based on a nationally representative probability sample of 1,015 general population adults age 18 or older. The sample includes 177 North Easterners, 232 Midwesterners, 367 Southerners, 239 Westerners, 528 Males, 487 Females, 84 Gen Zers, 211 Millennials, 279 Gen Xers, and 441 Baby Boomers. Generation Z includes ages 18-25, Millennials include ages 26-39, Generation X includes ages 40-55, and Baby Boomers include ages older than 55.
The margin of sampling error is plus or minus 3.4 percentage points at the 95% confidence level, for results based on the entire sample of adults. The margin of sampling error takes into account the design effect, which was 1.21 The margin of sampling error is higher and varies for results based on other sub-samples. In our reporting of the findings, percentage points are rounded off to the nearest whole number. As a result, percentages in a given table column may total slightly higher or lower than 100%. In questions that permit multiple responses, columns may total substantially more than 100%, depending on the number of different responses offered by each respondent.
The survey was conducted using KnowledgePanel, the largest and most well-established online probability-based panel that is representative of the adult US population. Our recruitment process employs a scientifically developed addressed-based sampling methodology using the latest Delivery Sequence File of the USPS – a database with full coverage of all delivery points in the US. Households invited to join the panel are randomly selected from all available households in the U.S. Persons in the sampled households are invited to join and participate in the panel. Those selected who do not already have internet access are provided a tablet and internet connection at no cost to the panel member. Those who join the panel and who are selected to participate in a survey are sent a unique password-protected log-in used to complete surveys online. As a result of our recruitment and sampling methodologies, samples from KnowledgePanel cover all households regardless of their phone or internet status and findings can be reported with a margin of sampling error and projected to the general population.
The data were weighted to adjust for gender by age, race/ethnicity, education, Census region, metropolitan status, household income, race/ethnicity by gender, race/ethnicity by age, and race/ethnicity by education. The demographic benchmarks came from the 2019 American Community Survey (ACS) except for the metropolitan status, which is not available from the 1-year ACS data, were obtained from the 2020 March Supplement of the Current Population Survey (CPS).
- Gender (Male, Female) by Age (18–25, 26–39, 40-54 and 55+)
- Race/Hispanic Ethnicity (White Non-Hispanic, Black Non-Hispanic, Latinx, Asian, Other)
- Education (Less than High School, High School, Some College, Bachelor or higher)
- Census Region (Northeast, Midwest, South, West) by Metropolitan status (Metro, non-Metro)
- Household Income (Under $25,000, $25,000-$49,999, $50,000-$74,999, $75,000-$99,999, $100,000-$149,999, $150,000+)
- Race/ethnicity (White/Other Non-Hispanic, Black Non-Hispanic, Latinx, Asian) by Gender (Male, Female)
- Race/ethnicity (White/Other Non-Hispanic, Black Non-Hispanic, Latinx, Asian) by Age (18-44, 45+)
- Race/ethnicity (White/Other Non-Hispanic, Black Non-Hispanic, Latinx, Asian) by Education (Some College or less, Bachelor and beyond)
For more information on this news release, please contact:
Chris Jackson
Senior Vice President, U.S., Public Affairs
+1 202 420-2025
[email protected]
Kate Silverstein
Media Relations Specialist, U.S., Public Affairs
+1 718 755-8829
[email protected]
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