Attitudes towards Green Belt land
Research for the CPRE, coinciding with the 60th anniversary of the introduction of the Green Belt policy, exploring the public's views on the Green Belt land and its development.
The Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) commissioned Ipsos to conduct a survey with a statistically robust sample of people across England on their attitudes towards Green Belt land. The purpose of the survey was to determine people’s knowledge of the Green Belt, their attitudes towards the development of Green Belt land, and what they thought the main reasons were for building on it. This was conducted through Capibus, Ipsos’s weekly syndicated nationwide survey of adults aged 15+.
Technical note
These results are from a survey of people aged 15+ across England. In total, 845 interviews were conducted in respondent’s homes by Ipsos between 3 and 12 July 2015 Data are weighted by age, social grade, region, tenure, ethnicity and working status - within gender. Data are also weighted according to how rural or urban the respondent’s area is. Where results do not sum to 100%, this may be due to computer rounding, multiple responses or the exclusion of don't know/not stated. An * indicates a score less than 0.5%, but greater than zero.
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