Crime tops latest Issues Index
Crime has risen to the top of Ipsos's Issues Index in August 2008, with almost half of British adults saying it is one of the most important issues facing Britain (47%). This is an increase of eight percentage points since July.
Crime has risen to the top of Ipsos's Issues Index in August 2008, with almost half of British adults saying it is one of the most important issues facing Britain (47%). This is an increase of eight percentage points since July.
Concern about the economy remains high, with two in five people saying it is an important issue (41%), in line with last month. Worry about inflation continues to rise, with a quarter of British adults saying it is important (26%), an increase of three points since July. However, petrol prices have decreased slightly in importance, falling by five percentage points to 10%.
Other important issues include race relations/ immigration (25%), the NHS (15%) and defence (15%).
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