More than 8 million real Christmas trees were sold in 2021
Ipsos survey of UK households purchasing Christmas trees for the British Christmas Tree Growers Association (BCGTA).
The BCTGA (British Christmas Tree Growers Association) commissioned a survey conducted by Ipsos to find out how many households bought a real Christmas tree and the reasons why in 2021. The survey found that more than 8 million* real Christmas trees were sold and the main reason for getting a real Christmas tree was the smell and tradition. Those who had more than one Christmas tree were most likely to buy them from a grower’s farm.
Technical note:
Ipsos interviewed a representative quota sample of 3,491 adults aged 16+ in the UK. Interviews took place online on 14-16 January, 28-30 January and 12-14 March, 2022. Data has been weighted to the known offline population proportions.
*This figure was extrapolated using source: Office for National Statistics - Labour Force Survey (LFS)