Paranormal Survey

Research study conducted for The Sun Newspaper. MORI interviewed a representative quota sample of 721 adults aged 18+ across Great Britain by telephone between 4-5 February 1998.

Research study conducted for The Sun Newspaper. MORI interviewed a representative quota sample of 721 adults aged 18+ across Great Britain by telephone between 4-5 February 1998.

Technical details

MORI interviewed 721 adults aged 18+ across Great Britain. Interviews were conducted by telephone between 4-5 February 1998. Date are weighted to the profile of Great Britain. An asterisk (*) denotes a figure between zero and 0.5%.

Q1-17 Which, if any, of the things I'm going to read out do you believe in?

  YesNoDon't know
Q 1God642610
Q 2Life after death454213
Q 3A soul67249
Q 4Heaven54379
Q 5Astrology38539
Q 6Ghosts40528
Q 7Telepathy54379
Q 8Guardian Angels31618
Q 9Premonitions / ESP64297
Q 10Fortune Telling / Tarot18757
Q 11Deja-vu *66304
Q 12Out of body experience315811
Q 13Reincarnation246412
Q 14Near-death experience513712
Q 15Psychics / Mediums #28639
Q 16Faith-healers325612
Q 17That dreams can predict the future306010
* a feeling that you have done something or been somewhere before # people who can communicate with the dead

Q18 And have you personally had any experience of ...?

 YesNoDon't know
Base: All those who answered Q5 (276)
Base: All those who answered Q6 (290)
Base: All those who answered Q7 (396)
Guardian Angels31663
Base: All those who answered Q8 (221)
Premonition / ESP41572
Base: All those who answered Q9 (466)
Fortune Telling / Tarot60400
Base: All those who answered Q10 (133)
Deja-vu *7920*
Base: All those who answered Q11 (486)
Out of body experience2179*
Base: All those who answered Q12 (234)
Base: All those who answered Q13 (169)
Near-death experiences17821
Base: All those who answered Q14 (375)
Psychics / Mediums #37631
Base: All those who answered Q15 (204)
Base: All those who answered Q16 (234)
That dreams can predict the future42603
Base: All those who answered Q17 (219)
* a feeling that you have done something or been somewhere before # people who can communicate with the dead

Q19 And what was the nature of your experience?

Q20 Has your personal experience given you proof that there is life after death or not? Base: All those who answered yes to any of Q5-Q17 (615)

Yes, proven life after death20
No, not proven life after death76
Don't know4

Q21 Have you ever based a decision on your belief in ...?

 YesNoDon't know
Base: All those who answered Q5 (276)
Base: All those who answered Q6 (290)
Base: All those who answered Q7 (396)
Guardian Angels23725
Base: All those who answered Q8 (221)
Premonition / ESP20782
Base: All those who answered Q9 (466)
Fortune Telling / Tarot28711
Base: All those who answered Q10 (133)
Deja-vu *15841
Base: All those who answered Q11 (486)
Near-death experiences10891
Base: All those who answered Q14 (375)
Psychics / Mediums #17821
Base: All those who answered Q15 (204)
Base: All those who answered Q16 (234)
That dreams can predict the future25732
Base: All those who answered Q17 (219)
* a feeling that you have done something or been somewhere before # people who can communicate with the dead

Q22 Do you find that your belief in God or your belief in mystical experiences more relevant to daily life? Base: All those who answered yes to Q1 AND any of Q5-Q17 (446)

Belief in God67
Belief in mystical experiences6
Don't know6

Q23 What is your religion, if any? Base: (721)

Roman Catholic11
Church of England50
Church of Scotland3
Other Protestant5
Free church / non-conformist (Methodist / Baptist,etc)5
Orthodox Greek / Russian*
None / Atheist / Agnostic21
Don't know1

Q24 And how frequently do you attend religious service, is it ...? Base: (561)

Every day1
At least once a week16
At least once a month11
Less often than once a month66
Don't know1

Q25 And what is your date of birth? Base: (721)

22 Dec-20 JanCapricorn9
21 Jan-19 FebAquarius9
20 Feb-20 MarPisces6
21 Mar-20 AprAries8
21 Apr-21 MayTaurus9
22 May-21 JunGemini10
22 Jun-23 JulCancer7
24 Jul-23 AugLeo8
24 Aug-23 SepVirgo11
24 Sep-23 OctLibra7
24 Oct-22 NovScorpio8
23 Nov-21 DecSagittarius8

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