New Survey Reveals Strong Gains For Graduates Of AP-Supported Programs
Washington DC, September 25, 2023—Academic Partnerships (AP) helps regional public universities and small colleges develop and grow their online degree programs in nursing, teaching, business, and other high-demand sectors. Amidst the important national conversation about the cost and value of higher education, AP commissioned Ipsos to measure the experience of graduates of AP-supported programs. The AP ROI Survey reveals that graduates of AP-supported programs fare well – from salary gains and career advancement, to low debt levels and short payback, to overall satisfaction with their degree.
Programs Deliver Double-Digit Salary Increases And A Short Payback Period
Graduates of AP-supported programs average substantial salary gains within just one year of earning their degrees. In fact, recent grads – those who earned their degree in either 2022 or 2021 – show a 20% increase in salary one year after degree completion[1]. This works out to an average of $13,700 and offers these grads the ability to payback their tuition in just 1.2 years, on average[2]. Importantly, this pattern holds true across key program verticals – education, nursing, and business.
- Education: 1-year salary increase of 18%; ability to payback tuition in 1.25 years
- Nursing: 1-year salary increase of 20%; ability to payback tuition in 1.25 years
- Business: 1-year salary increase of 21%; ability to payback tuition in 1.13 years
Meanwhile, those who graduated three years ago – between 2019 and 2020 – see a salary increase of 29%, or $18,400 on average.
Majority Fund Their Degrees Without Loans
Student loans are a huge piece of the higher ed conversation these days. However, loans make up less than half of degree program funding among graduates of AP-supported programs – 38%, representing $6,340, on average, among graduates overall. Moreover, 54% of grads did not take on any student loan debt.
Often, graduates of AP-supported programs leveraged their own income or savings (39%, representing $6,460 on average) and employer tuition assistance (12%, $2,000) to fund their degrees.
Graduates Overwhelmingly Affirm The Value Of Their Degrees
Given the bump in salary that graduates of AP-supported programs receive – and the relatively low debt burden incurred – it comes as little surprise that graduate satisfaction is high. Affordability (69%) and length of time required to complete the degree program (41%) are paramount in graduates’ decisions to go with their chosen universities. Overwhelmingly (85%), graduates see their investment as being worthwhile.
Meanwhile, the appeal of AP-supported degree programs goes beyond dollars and cents and calendar months.
Professional development and career growth are key factors to graduates when deciding on a degree program. Fully six in 10 (61%) report choosing their online degree program for potential career advancement opportunities. Even more – two in three (67%) – agree that their degree helped them do just that.
Perhaps the ultimate sign of satisfaction, graduates of AP-supported programs overwhelmingly would recommend their degree programs to friends or colleagues.
Eight in 10 (81%) give a rating of “8,” “9,” or “10” on a 0-to-10 likelihood to recommend
scale. What’s more, a majority (57%) give a rating of “10” on this measure, the highest rating.
About the Study
From February 15 to March 3, 2023, a total of n=916 graduates across 25 AP partner institutions were surveyed online by Ipsos Public Affairs. Respondents were working either full- or part-time since starting their degree program and included graduates in key verticals: Education (n=410), Nursing (n=241), Business (n=218).
[1] Salary gains = post-graduation salary – salary before program among 2022/2021 graduates (n=541) and 2020/2019 graduates (n=233)
[2] Payback= tuition divided by salary gains among 2022/2021 graduates (n=541)
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