67% of G7 citizens believe that gender inequality in the workplace is a real problem

Today the Women's Forum for the Economy & Society presents the third edition of its Barometer, which analyzes the perceptions of 3500 citizens of G7 countries on gender inequalities in their respective countries and puts it in perspective with the reality of recent data disaggregated by gender. This measurement tool constitutes a unique database.

The author(s)
  • Alice Tétaz Public Affairs, France
  • Etienne Mercier Public Affairs, France
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Parity in G7 countries: «perception versus reality”

The data speak for themselves: 74% of G7 citizens feel that there is inequality between women and men in terms of social, political and/or economic rights in their country.

67% of respondents believe that gender inequality in the workplace is a real problem (women 74% - men 59%) and 62% believe that women are less likely to succeed (women 70% - men 59%).

A strong difference emerges between countries: 73% of respondents in France believe gender inequality at work is a problem. This figure rises to 77% for Italy, but drops to 63% in Germany and 59% in Japan.

Moreover, many women continue to suffer from unacceptable behaviors at work and persistent stereotypes: 46% of respondents still agree with the phrase: "You can't have it all, if you want to be a good mother, you have to accept to sacrifice part of your professional career"; 31% of working women have already felt strong pressure regarding their life choices (to be a mother or not, to be single, etc.), a figure that reaches 37% for women in managerial positions.

Women spend more than 4 hours a day on unpaid work for their loved ones, compared to 2 hours a day for men. This puts a strain on their finances and will later affect their retirement. Only 45% of women in the world receive a pension.

Call to action: 17 innovative measures

However, the picture has brightened and brings hope for the future, as respondents overwhelmingly voted for strong actions, such as the inclusion in bankers' bonuses of an obligation for an equal approval rate of credit files submitted by women and men (70%), the implementation of a system of compensation for years of unemployment and retirement for women caregivers that would take into account the years they were not able to work. Respondents also favor a tax credit for companies that facilitate their recovery and professional integration (76%), and the addition of teaching codes as a compulsory subject from the first year of secondary school and learning about digital culture, (75%).

In total, 17 innovative and feasible measures in favor of gender equality were tested and received strong support from all ages and social categories.

Download the Women's Forum report


About the Women's Forum for the Economy & Society

Since its inception in 2005, the Women’s Forum has emerged as the leading international platform for transforming the power of women’s voices and perspectives into forward-thinking economic and policy initiatives for societal change.

In an ongoing campaign for gender equality, our aim is to intensify the presence and influence of women when and wherever governments, healthcare or scientific institutions, businesses, and environmental and economic policymakers are tasked with the ethical, financial, political and humanitarian challenges of a world in flux.

During our annual Women’s Forum Global Meeting and regional events, we assemble a worldwide community of top businesswomen, lawmakers and agents of change from numerous sectors of the economy. With representatives from over 175 countries and opportunities for executive networking on an international scale, the gatherings serve as both think tanks for effective decision-making and as showcases our initiatives including the Daring Circles, Rising Talents, CEO Champions, Barometer, French Women Entrepreneurs 40, Youth Voices and WomenEntrepreneurs4Good.

About this study

These are the results of a survey conducted by Ipsos for the Women's Forum. Ipsos interviewed a total of 3,500 adults aged 18 and over in the 7 countries of the G7 (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, United States).

The author(s)
  • Alice Tétaz Public Affairs, France
  • Etienne Mercier Public Affairs, France
