Latest attitudes towards the Royal Family - January 2024
New polling into the popularity of members of the Royal Family from Ipsos.
The latest polling from Ipsos shows the Prince and Princess of Wales remain the most popular Royals among Britons, with around three in five saying they have a favourable opinion of them (62%, 61% respectively). These numbers are relatively unchanged since last July. Fieldwork was conducted 26-29 January (before the news of the King’s cancer diagnosis).
Half say they have a favourable impression of King Charles (50%), against one in five (21%) who feel otherwise. Half (51%) also think he is doing a good job as King, compared with around one in ten saying a bad job (9%).
However, Prince Harry’s and the Duchess of Sussex’s ratings have fallen since last summer. Around one in four (23%) now say they have a favourable opinion of Prince Harry, which is down 7 percentage points since July. Those favourable towards the Duchess have also fallen 5 percentage points, to around one in five (18%). Around half say they feel unfavourable towards each of them (47%, 54%).
Prince Andrew remains the most unpopular Royal with only 8% saying they feel favourable towards him. Ratings for the rest of the Royals are shown below.
Two in five (39%) say it would be worse for Britain in the future if the monarchy was abolished, compared with around one in four (23%) who say it would be better. Three in ten say it would make no difference (29%). This is similar to the pattern over the last year.
Technical note
Ipsos interviewed a representative quota sample of 1,077 adults aged 18-75 in Great Britain. Interviews took place on the online Omnibus 26-29 January 2024. Data has been weighted to the known offline population proportions. All polls are subject to a wide range of potential sources of error.